Speed Reading: improve and accelerate reading comprehension to your speed Reading skill by Marco Tyson

(26) improve and accelerate reading comprehension to your speed Reading skill

Speed reading: improve and accelerate reading comprehension to your speed reading skill


Most people асknоwlеdgе that thоugh they аррrоасh a bооk with аn intеnt tо соmрlеtе rеаding it within few minutes, they literally take hours tо finiѕh it. Whу iѕ this so? First, уоu will hаvе tо understand the main rеаѕоn thаt imреdеѕ your reading ѕрееd. There can bе ѕеvеrаl fасtоrѕ thаt саn stop уоu frоm rеаding and соmрrеhеnding information at a ѕаmе timе. Rеаding word bу word, ѕub-vосаlizаtiоn, рооr concentration, rеgrеѕѕiоn are ѕоmе bad rеаding habits thаt bring dоwn уоur speed оf reading.

That secret skill that is vital in helping you form more fulfilling interpersonal relationships, boosting your work performance, enhancing your social life, and generally making you a happier and well-adapted person is the ability to read people accurately.

Speed reading is the series of methods that are used to increase the rate of reading without affecting the rate of retention and understanding. This technique can be very effective as it is a sure guide to encourage anyone who needs to cover large bulk of materials in a short duration.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 19849

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Sample text:

In order to achieve speed reading success you need daily practice. And what better way to learn than having a good tool by your side that will constantly give you information about your progress and help you out on your quest to increase reading speed? Although there are thousands of paid comprehensive tools that can help you out, you can still quickly learn how to increase your reading speed, be using a variety of free tools that are just a few clicks away. Here are some great tools that you can use completely for free.


Speedreader – Probably one of the best online tools to help you out on your quest to speed reading, Speedreader allows you to copy and paste the text that you want to read and then it flashes those words on the screen, while letting you control the speed at which words flash, as well as giving you the ability to read blocks of words.


Readability – Even though this is not necessary a speed reading tool, it is nonetheless a great tool to help you out read internet content in a prompt manner. It lets you get rid of any ads, links or distractions on a certain webpage, leaving you with only black and white text for you to read.

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