Speed Reading: How to Triple Your Reading Speed Speed Reading for Dummies by Leona Arnott

(13) How to Triple Your Reading Speed Speed Reading for Dummies

Speed reading: how to triple your reading speed speed reading for dummies


This course is about improving your ability to learn new skills or information quickly and effectively. We go far beyond the kinds of "speed reading" (or glorified skimming) you may have been exposed to, diving into the actual cognitive and neurological factors that make learning easier and more successful.

The main point of practicing speed reading should not be to read faster: instead, as a reader, you should aim to be more efficient. You should read with a purpose and a goal. Know the reason for your reading and develop techniques to realize the objectives and use appropriate techniques, where relevant.

If you wish to be a very effective reader, then you should upgrade the reading method you use to mega speed reading. It will provide you with the ability to read things much more quickly, comprehend and understand them better, and remember them longer. You will be very effective in your school or job, and have more time to do other things as a result, which is something everyone could benefit from.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 7811

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Sample text:

Speed reading is certainly a complex process, but rest assured—the techniques we’ll discuss in Chapter 4, 5, and 6 will make learning and practicing speed reading a much simpler, enjoyable, and beneficial process. The actual science behind how our brains work when we read and speed read is a complex but fascinating process, too. But again, we’ve tried to explain the science behind reading in a way that makes sense to everyone. After all, knowing what’s going on inside your mind as you speed read is a great way to reduce those feelings of intimidation or to better understand the speed reading process. Understanding the difference between your visual cortex and auditory cortex, for example, might seem irrelevant, especially for those uninterested in science. However, knowing how these two active regions of your brain function as you read may actually help you later in the speed reading process when you need to quiet your auditory cortex and harness the power of your visual cortex.

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