Speed Reading: Highly Effective Manipulation Techniques to Guide to Speed Reading and Skyrocketing by Jakob Trautmann

(49) Highly Effective Manipulation Techniques to Guide to Speed Reading and Skyrocketing

Speed reading: highly effective manipulation techniques to guide to speed reading and skyrocketing


Most students are familiar with that sense of rising panic when, close to a deadline for a paper or the date of an exam, they realize that they know almost nothing about the subject at hand. Some students can take this situation in their stride, and some fall to pieces.

Speed reading is a skill everyone should have, not only will it help you comprehend the books you read better it will help you in your work place as well, unfortunately not many people can speed read, which not only means they read books slower it could also hold them up in there personal life and at work.

A  proven strategy on how to improve the speed of your reading and comprehend everything that you read. This short book is to the point , no bluff or filler just how to successfully start speed reading at lightning speed.I f you have ever struggled to read at a fast paste or to process data a hell of a lot quicker this book is for you.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 7713

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Sample text:

Improved logic- Think of speed reading as exercise for your brain. Your brain becomes more efficient at sorting information and finding correlations to other bits of information previously sorted. This will improve your logical thinking process. As you increase in your speed reading skills you will find that your ability to play logic games such as Chess will increase.

It will also allow you to focus more on tasks. How many times have you been reading and been distracted by something else happening around you? Speed reading forces you to focus on the task at hand and therefore trains your brain to focus on other aspects of your life too. 

Higher levels of self-confidence and emotional well-being can also be attained if you are able to read faster in any area that interests you and you can comprehend more of what you are reading if you learn to speed read the correct way. Being more focused on reading you are limiting your thoughts on other areas of your life. It is a form of active meditation.  You will become much more comfortable having conversations with people with all of your acquired knowledge through reading.

By retaining more of the information that you read you could potentially access better employment- whether it be a promotion in your job or attaining a better job

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