Speed Reading: Discover the Strategies That Will Speed Reading Save You Time for Beginners by Lev Vader

(122) Discover the Strategies That Will Speed Reading Save You Time for Beginners

Speed reading: discover the strategies that will speed reading save you time for beginners


This is the time to improve your reading skills, improve reading speed, and improve reading comprehension. In this modern age where information intake is key, the more you know, the more freedoms, interests, and opportunities you’ll have.

This guidebook is going to take some time to talk about speed reading and provide you with all of the techniques that you need to see results. Some of the things that we will discuss in this guidebook when it comes to speed reading includes:

 All you have to do is keep reading on, and we’ll discuss everything to do with the power of speed reading. In this guide, we’ll cover many specific elements but the first thing you have to know is that speed reading involves rapidly taking in information quickly, usually several sentences at once.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 11948

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Sample text:

Sub-Vocalization, or silent speech, is the speech we hear in our head, when we are reading. Because our ability to speak is slower than that of reading, this restricts our reading speed.

Evidence suggests that we cannot totally eliminate sub-vocalization, even speed readers will admit to still doing it. The one thing speed readers do though, is reduce the amount they sub-vocalize, to use it as a comprehension tool, rather than a reading one.

In everyday life we don’t sub-vocalize what we see, and read around us. If you are driving towards a stop sign, your mind doesn’t shout out stop, yet the mind does know how to act on that sign and approaches the sign appropriately.

Speed reading works best when comprehension of the text is easy. Therefore to start practicing the techniques of speed reading, and especially reducing sub-vocalization, you are best to read a novel. When reading a novel, comprehension of every word and sentence is not necessary for understanding, and detailed retention is not required.

With the novel in hand start reading, slowly, start to increase the speed with which your eyes scan over the text. You will notice as you do this you stop sub-vocalizing every word, and just pick out the important words for comprehension. You will notice that over time, your eyes start to slow down, and you retract into your normal pattern of reading. Retaining this speed takes practice, and here are some additional tips to help you.

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