Speed Reading: Complete Speed Reading Guide by 300% Using Advanced Techniques by Peter Armstrong

(4) Complete Speed Reading Guide by 300% Using Advanced Techniques

Speed reading: complete speed reading guide by 300% using advanced techniques


This book is about being able to accurately estimate what context might be behind the way a person acts and how to use the skills you find in that process to aid in all other areas of your life, including personal and business relationships and internal concepts you may have on a more philosophical level. 

Just like the body, the brain must be exercised regularly. Without regular use, it will weaken and become ineffective. Additionally, an emotional experience will be remembered much more quickly than one that you were not emotionally invested in. Because stress can inhibit the learning process, your emotional and mental state should be as positive and upbeat as possible.

Do you wish you could remember more of what you read? You’re not alone, and Dave Daniels has written this book with you in mind. It’s time to stop reading the same passages again and again. No longer do you need to ‘hear the voice in your head’ in order to read and understand the words on the page. You and your brain are ready to consume more content as well as recall what you've read.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 5459

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Sample text:

Before we delve into understanding the process of speed-reading, we must first look at and understand the simple, yet complex, process of regular reading. It is a very interesting process that takes place inside the mind and will surely amuse you. 

As you know, the human brain is a very complex organ. It performs many activities at once and helps us in performing our day-to-day activities. The brain is the most active part of our bodies and is constantly functioning. Let us now look at what happens in our minds when we read something.

When a person reads a book or some kind of text then his or her eyes move over the words. The eyes feed the information to the brain, and the brain processes the information at top speed. When you read the text your brain starts batching the words and sends them into the right places in order to break it down and simplify it.

Once the words and sentences are broken down and simplified, the mind starts to play a movie inside the head. That is right; it plays a movie inside the head in order to illustrate to you the text that you are reading. Now you will winder as to what movie it will play and how it knows what needs to be played. Well, it’s quite simple.

The human brain keeps a record of many images for a very long time. These images are all stored in separate memory folders and are brought to the conscious mind by the subconscious mind. So when you read about a certain word, your mind automatically relates it to an image and starts playing in your mind. 

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Already translated. Translated by Gabriela Zuculin Costa

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