Speed Reading: Best Your Reading Speed Without Compromising and Improve Memory by Jordan Moore

(45) Best Your Reading Speed Without Compromising and Improve Memory

Speed reading: best your reading speed without compromising and improve memory


The book contains a comprehensive introduction of speed reading, its benefits, myths, techniques, tips and tricks for the guidance of beginners. Speed reading is an important skill and after reading this book, you will be able to evaluate your actual reading speed and improve it with the help of given practice.

Reading is one the most important skills one should possess to be recognized as a literate individual. In every walk of life, at home, work place, market place or school, reading what is written plays a vital role in our decision making. Recognizing words and their hidden meanings is one of the key factors, particularly in the business world, helping us to communicate effectively on daily basis. However, to learn what is written is not enough.

an average individual could easily identify minute images displayed quickly on a screen for just one five-hundredth of a second. You too can take advantage of this skill which can be learned easily with the tips in this book. So, let's get started!

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 24274

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Sample text:

This controversy is raised due to the point that the comprehension level of fifty percent is not unusable to some educationalist.

Advocates for speed reading have claimed that it is a great success and have said that it is a demonstration of the ability to comprehend things at a fast pace.

The trades between speed and comprehension need to be analysed with respect to the type of reading that is being done and the risks that you are going to take for misunderstanding the information that you are reading due to low comprehension. There are also the benefits of getting through your reading material quickly and gaining information at the rate that is obtained.

President John F Kennedy as an advocate of speed reading even encouraged his staff to take lessons in speed reading.

Then, President Jimmy Carter as well as his wife were extremely avid readers and even enrolled in a course that was offered at the white house for speed reading alongside several of his staff members.

The World Championship Speed Reading Competition will stress that comprehending what you are reading is critical. Top contestants of the competition read around a thousand to two thousand words a minute and have about fifty percent comprehension

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