Speed Reading: A Complete Manual to Memory Training Tips by Hartzell Blunt

(137) A Complete Manual to Memory Training Tips

Speed reading: a complete manual to memory training tips


If this sounds like a problem you are facing, then I would be more than happy to help you fix that conundrum. All you have to do is keep reading on, and we’ll discuss everything to do with the power of speed reading. In this guide, we’ll cover many specific elements but the first thing you have to know is that speed reading involves rapidly taking in information quickly, usually several sentences at once.

 It will provide you with the ability to read things much more quickly, comprehend and understand them better, and remember them longer. You will be very effective in your school or job, and have more time to do other things as a result, which is something everyone could benefit from.

From how you can benefit from speed reading to teaching you the most successful techniques that will help you master this skill-of-the-successful in no time, this book will drag much more values than extra time into your world.

We all read daily, whether it be a newspaper, a book, emails from friends or colleagues, browsing the web, or papers at work and school. It is a part of our daily lives, yet it is not something we tend to think about, but rather take for granted. Hence it takes so much of our lives, it is surprising therefore that few of us think of it as skill to be improved upon. 

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 35447

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Sample text:

Concentrating on every word consumes additional time, and it is not an ideal way for efficient reading. That is as the focus shifts to discrete words rather than the meaning of the sentence. 


An efficient reader adopts the ‘chunking’ technique, a technique which is based on reading multiple words in blocks. Not only reading word-by-word is time-consuming, but when you concentrate on separate words, you often miss the overall concept of what is being said. It is a fact that people who read each word as a distinct unit can understand less than those who read faster by "chunking" words together in blocks. That is why ‘chunking’ is the practice to be used in reading as the reader tries to increase the number of words in a word-block when reading. To expand on this, it is a good idea to keep the text away from the eyes. In this way, the word-block will automatically increase. 

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