Soul Windows by Jaleta Clegg

Ten short stories ranging from silly fantasy to serious sci-fi

Soul windows

Ten science fiction and fantasy stories of mystery, romance, space travel, and magic to tickle your funny bone and entertain.

Story List:

Soul Windows

Second Chances


Trapped in Amber

The First Day

Omega Museum


Thaddeus Lisonbee, the Man Who Could Not Die

The Eyes of Ashteroth

Thief's Ransom

Genre: FICTION / Short Stories (single author)

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Short Stories

Language: English


Word Count: 40000

Sales info:

#5444 in Genre Anthologies on Amazon (3/17/16)

Book sales of Soul Windows are fairly good, especially at in-person events. The book is available on all platforms but only in English. The collection has good reviews, consistently rating 4 or 5 stars.

Sample text:

Beltar set the tray on the floor. He busied himself pouring tea, adding the appropriate sugar and cream. He handed one dainty cup to Gurandor, the other to Sargandon.

"It has been so long, my old arch-nemesis. How are you feeling?" Sargandon sipped tea, one pinky extended.

"Like I've been trapped in a giant lump of amber. But I'm recovering." Gurandor sipped, then pulled a face. "I believe your cream has soured, Sargandon."

"It's sheep cream. The cows all died about two hundred years ago when I was experimenting with magical plagues. I sometimes regret that incident. More sugar helps." Sargandon searched Gurandor's face, seeking signs of his great power. The duel would disappoint if it were too easy. He wanted a challenge, a real struggle.

Beltar squatted on the floor between them, humming off key as he rearranged the tea service.

Gurandor set his cup aside. "I see your taste in servants hasn't changed. But you have. How long has it been?"

"Four hundred fifty two—What do you mean, I've changed?"

"How often do you dye your hair, what little is still left?"

Sargandon's hand crept to cover the balding spot on the back of his head. "My hair is the same color it always has been," he lied. He'd used every youth spell he knew, and a few he invented, to cover the gray.

"You've put on a few pounds, too. But I hear that's pretty much inevitable for older men."

Sargandon sucked in his gut, running his other hand over his velvet robe. His belt had been a bit tighter lately but he blamed that on lack of exercise. He'd been so involved in freeing Gurandor, he simply hadn't taken the time.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by abel german
Author review:
Timeliness was great, but the translation is horrible! It's apparently done by running the text through an automatic translation service. I could do that with Google translate myself and end up with a better translation.
I can't publish something this bad.
Already translated. Translated by Valerio Vasta
Translation in progress. Translated by Fagner Sousa
Already translated. Translated by Katia Jasso

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
