Slow Cooker: Quick And Easy Slow Cooking Recipes For Food Lovers (Slow Cooker Cookbook) by Elizabeth Miller

Quick And Easy Slow Cooking Recipes For Food Lovers (Slow Cooker Cookbook)

Slow cooker: quick and easy slow cooking recipes for food lovers (slow cooker cookbook)


The cooker makes heating satisfying and healthy meals right in your own home easy as pie. All you have to do is prepare the ingredients, drop them in this magic contraption and give it time to do its thing! Whip up ingredients in the morning and set it to heat all day while you are busy at work making that bacon! Who doesn’t like coming home to a deliciously aromatic home with a meal ready to be devoured.

One of the fundamental attractions for some is the simplicity of a slow cooker so when you are searching for formulas, keep away from those that recommend a ton of pre-planning. For some dishes, especially soups and stews, you truly can simply toss every one of the fixings in. It can be decent to cook the onions heretofore as the flavor is diverse to when you place them in crude yet test both courses as you may discover you favor one. 

Anyone can greatly benefit from having both a slow cooker and this recipe book in the kitchen. All you need to do is choose the meals that you want to make ahead, go to the grocery store and get the supplies, and assemble everything with your slow cooker during your free time.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 3325

Sales info:

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Sample text:

●     1 ½  cups whole wheat pastry flour

●     6 eggs

●     1 cup fresh blackberries, rinsed and dried

●     ¼  cup sugar

●     3 tablespoons almonds, sliced

●     2 tablespoons butter, melted

●     1 tablespoon baking powder

●     2 teaspoons cornstarch

●     1 teaspoon salt

●     1 teaspoon almond extract


Preparation Instructions:

Lightly butter 8 inch spring form pan.
In a large bowl, beat eggs and sugar till smooth. Add yogurt, butter and extract and stir till combined.
Add flour, baking powder and salt and stir till thoroughly combined. Pour half the batter into the prepared pan. Add berries in an even layer. Sprinkle cornstarch over berries. Then pour remaining batter over berries. Sprinkle almonds on top.
Add 1 cup of water to cooking pot and place a trivet on the bottom. Using a foil sling, lower pan onto the trivet.
Secure lid and select pressure cooker setting and high pressure. Set timer for 45 minutes. When timer goes off use the natural release function to remove the lid.
Carefully remove pan from cooking pot and cool on wire rack.
To serve, remove spring form ring, dust with powder sugar and enjoy.


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