Slow Cooker: 90 Crockpot Recipes That You Need To Eat (Best Slow Cooking Recipes) by Anthony Carlin

90 Crockpot Recipes That You Need To Eat (Best Slow Cooking Recipes)

Slow cooker: 90 crockpot recipes that you need to eat (best slow cooking recipes)


This crockpot cookbook contains main meals with meat or seafood along side with vegetarian meals, soups and stews, casseroles, appetizers and desserts for everyone. Crock pot recipes have been created to suite anyone’s tastes. You don’t need to be kitchen master; even a beginner can make delicious food with the help of this amazing utensil a companied with the collection of the best recipes.

The advantage of a slow cooker over other methods is that the foods are cooked at a relatively low heat for a longer time. This lower heat may not destroy as many nutrients as other methods such as steaming or boiling. Another benefit is that with slow cooker meals the nutrients can often be recaptured when the resulting sauces or juices are served with the meal.

Slow cookers are indeed heaven sent. They aid in cooking and makes everything easier in the kitchen. All you do is dump everything, and with little preparation, you are free for the day, go back home, and have your meal waiting. That’s the magic of having a slow cooker. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 15927

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



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Sample text:

2 tsp. Stone ground mustard  
75 cups Milk
4 Egg whites 
5 tsp. Garlic salt 
5 tsp. Pepper
1 (30 oz.) bag Frozen hash browns  
1 tsp. Salt 
1 small head Broccoli (chopped roughly) 
4 strips Bacon (cooked) 
2Bell peppers (chopped roughly)
5Onion (chopped roughly)
6 oz. Cheddar cheese (shredded) 



Mix the egg whites, mustard, milk, whole eggs, pepper, salt, and garlic salt together with a whisk.
Put to the side.
Use nonstick spray on the inside of your slow cooker to provide a thin coating.
Put a layer of hash browns on the bottom, using half of the bag.
Put on a layer of half of the bacon, onion, broccoli, bell peppers, and cheese.
Put down the rest of the hash browns, and then the rest of the other ingredients.
Pour the egg mixture over everything, and don’t stir.
Put on the top and put it on the low setting for 4 hours.

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