Slow Cooker: 80 Slow Cooking Recipes To Make In No Time (Quick And Easy Crockpot Recipes) by Grace Daniels

80 Slow Cooking Recipes To Make In No Time (Quick And Easy Crockpot Recipes)

Slow cooker: 80 slow cooking recipes to make in no time (quick and easy crockpot recipes)


Slow-cookers are a fantastic way to create creative, delicious and nutritious meals while saving time. Imagine being able to heat up your slow cooker, drop your ingredients in and forget about it until dinnertime, when you come home to the aroma of a home-cooked nutritious meal. And these savory dishes will help you to lose weight. This book provides an array of recipes that can do just that. Be full and satisfied while slimming your waistline and feeling your best. All the delicious foods you could ever want, in simple recipes, even your favorite comfort foods!

If you like to try something new for your Slow Cooker this book is perfect for you as it’s full of exciting and delicious recipes. You will surely adore each recipe here from its first to last as they will for sure astonish you with new flavours and all have clickable links in the table of contents so it’s easy to find them. They also have step by step instructions to make it easy for you to cook your favourite recipe.

We all love the feeling of having fresh, hot, home cooked meals. But with the busy nature of our lives these days, many of us only have to make do with takeouts. Who has time to prepare his/he favorite dishes deep into the night after work when they have to wake up early the following day to beat traffic and get to work early? In such cases, takeouts seem to be the only viable solution.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 20998

Sales info:

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Sample text:

3-4 lbs. chicken meat. Please don’t use breast meat, which is too bland. Use thighs and wings, which have more bones for flavor.

6 cups chicken broth
1 large diced onion
2 cups diced carrots
2 cups diced celery
¼ tsp. rosemary and thyme 
Salt and pepper to taste
1 bay leaf
2 tsps. finely chopped ginger. This is the secret to those delicious soups served in oriental restaurants.


Toss the chicken meat into the slow cooker.

Cover with the broth.
Stir in all of the other ingredients.
Let simmer for six hours.
Serve with pasta of your choice.

The meat will have fallen off the bones, so you’ll need to pick out the bones. The meat will be shredded during the cooking time. Season to taste and enjoy.

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