Slow Cooker: 70 Recipes For Amazing Health (Weight Loss Crockpot Cookbook) by Virginia Downey

70 Recipes For Amazing Health (Weight Loss Crockpot Cookbook)

Slow cooker: 70 recipes for amazing health (weight loss crockpot cookbook)



My intention is to open your mind to a whole new concept in the way you prepare meals. Using the slow cooker will give you more time to spend with your family and much less to clean up after a meal because everything is cooked in one dish. One dish makes clean up easy, but using a liner for the slow cooker will make it even easier. In this book, you will find delicious, quick, and easy vegan meals for the beginner to even the most seasoned user of the slow cooker.

This method of cooking is ideal for people who have to rush to work in the mornings and have no time to cook a meal once they get back home. 
Cooking in a slow cooker is a blessing as all you need to do is dump all the ingredients together and let the slow cooker work its magic. The best part is you come home to a hot meal, waiting to be devoured. Thanks to the slow cooker, you no longer have to put up with expensive takeaways or unhealthy junk food for dinner.

The introduction of the slow cooker started a revolution in how we prepare our meals. In this fun to read cookbook, bad-boy veteran chef Tony Peralino shares his creative and mold-shattering recipes in simple and easy to follow detail. Slow cooking is a great way to prepare any meal, and this helpful cookbook includes meals for any diet.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!



Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 8546

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



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Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


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Sample text:

This can be possibly the most sublime slow cooker recipe with less than 5 ingredients you will ever make. Especially if you carefully choose the piece of meat you will use. Rosemary is also a key a key ingredient here, and if you can find that herb fresh, it is even better. If not, it’s okay; you can manage to recreate some of the same taste using about ½ or 1 teaspoon dried rosemary herbs.

Servings: 4

Preparation time: 6 hours


•       1 pound beef (round steak is good choice)

•       1 large can diced seasoned tomatoes

•       1 large sliced red bell peppers

•       3 Tbsp. fresh chopped Rosemary

•       1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce


It is not necessary but strongly recommended to lightly cook the beef in a skillet prior placing it in the slow cooker.
So once you have done so, transfer the beef into your crockpot.
In a medium bowl, combine the tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce and rosemary. Then pour on top of the beef in the slow cooker.

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