Slow Cooker: 15 Slow Cooker Recipes For Busy People (Ultimate Delicious Recipes) by Sky Parry

15 Slow Cooker Recipes For Busy People (Ultimate Delicious Recipes)

Slow cooker: 15 slow cooker recipes for busy people (ultimate delicious recipes)


The most of the recipes in this book calls for legumes, vegetables, and high-fiber foods; then, you can prepare a tender meat full of juices without adding any oil or butter. You can prepare superfoods like oatmeal for breakfast or the porridge with seeds for a powerful and healthy post-workout dinner. People agree that cooking in a constantly moving environment of liquid brings the best results. Afterward, the slow cooker is a fully covered device so the nutrients have no chance to disappear; consequently, the vitamins and minerals are preserved. 

If you have your own slow cooker at home or have wanted to learn how to make awesome healthy slow cooker meals, then look no further. Inside of this book, The Slow Cooker Revolution-Over Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes: Healthy Slow Cooker Meals The Entire Family Will Enjoy you will find some of the most delicious and nutritious healthy slow cooker recipes you will ever lay your eyes on.

The beauty of the crock pot method of preparation is that you do not have to stand over any hot burners or pans and wait for your food to cook. With a crock pot, you merely prep and load all of your ingredients into the base of the crock pot, set the timer and the desired heat, and walk away until your food is ready to eat in a few hours! Eat well and stress free with Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes For Weight Loss & Better Health you’ll surely celebrate a flavorful and nutritious year ahead.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.




Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 4828

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



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Sample text:

Dairy products: Full-fat dairy products are more steady and don't go bad as easily as fat milk items. In this eBook, dairy products are added towards the end of the cooking time and solidified with corn starch. Canned cream soups are astoundingly steady and may be included in the slow cooker at the beginning of the cooking time.

Dried lentils and split peas: Do not require drenching and can be added to the recipe toward at the start of cooking time.

Vegetables: Vegetables with high moisture like the zucchini and the yellow winter squash cook more quickly than root vegetables, so you need to cut them into larger pieces or bring them on towards the last 30 minutes of cooking.

Dried Beans: Dried beans will cook well in soups and stews with adequate water in 7 to 8 hours. They don't need to be pre-soaked. Ingredients like tomatoes and vinegar can be added toward the last few minutes of cooking time to keep the beans from getting overly tender.

Meats: Less sensitive cuts of meat, for instance, pork, chunk roast, beef rump are perfect for long slow cooking. Ground meat should be cooked and separated with a fork before adding to the slow cooker; else they will cook into a "bundle" in the slow cooker.

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