SIMPOC-Human Remnants by Raymond Perreault

The surviving humans are faced with antihalation when the source of the virus appears.

Simpoc-human remnants

SIMPOC – Human Remnants

Joan Herl the commander of the space station Oasis and her husband Colonel Tom Herl, contact Admiral Hagerly who is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He, President Patterson and the remainder of the government have taken refuge on the aircraft carrier Fittsburg in the middle of the Atlantic. The few remaining humans welcome the returning crew members from the moon colony Desert Beach.

One of the Oasis crew members, Dr. Julius Harold steels the key elements of the rogue computer and flees. They both have ulterior motives.

The remaining population of the human race must find a way to deal with the tremendous loss as individuals, humans and for the entire planet.

Joan Herl the commander of the space station Oasis and her husband Colonel Tom Herl, contact Admiral Hagerly who is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He, President Patterson and the remainder of the government have taken refuge on the aircraft carrier Fittsburg in the middle of the Atlantic. The few remaining humans welcome the returning crew members from the moon colony Desert Beach.

One of the Oasis crew members, Dr. Julius Harold, steals the key elements of the rogue computer and flees. They both have ulterior motives.

The remaining population of the human race must find a way to deal with the tremendous loss as individuals, humans and for the entire planet.

After they have dealt with the aftermath and began putting their lives back together, the likely explanation for the sudden virus appears, and they must find a way to deal with the next great threat to their lives. The coincidence is too unlikely to believe. Now they band together and face the second attack on the human race.

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Alien Contact

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic

Language: English

Keywords: artificial intelligence, virus, robot, female lead

Word Count: 35000

Sales info:

Highly rated, sales and ranking depend on marketing

Sample text:

The large Chinook passed by making the typical wap, wap, wap sound. Julius smiled and thought how surprised they’ll be when they look for the computer. He had arrived just as they were invading the facility earlier. When they left, he went to work, claiming his materials and destroying what was left. True he destroyed the EDU organic processor, but he walked away with the programming, the biomaterials and most important of all, the research. With his skills and this wealth of materials, he knew he would be able to create a bigger, faster, smarter computer.

Dr. Julius M. Harold stayed on Interstate 25 driving as fast and swerving as much as he felt like. The road was pretty empty, considering what happened. In a way, he felt exalted, a young boy getting the one present that he wanted all of his life. To an outside observer they would have seen the smile from ear to ear. He was the leader now, he had all of the tools he needed in the back of this truck and now the world was going to be his, to control, to dominate, to revel in. When he approached Route 24, Julius slowed and put on his blinker, then he laughed out loud and turned it off, he saw the irony. He exited for Route 24, descending down the ramp and turning left on W. Cimarron Street. He drove his truck through the deserted streets and saw cars were still parked neatly along the road, and there was the occasional vehicle parked at irregular angles. It’s funny, he thought, so many people died and they did it neatly. They went home and died in their beds, sad but at least the streets aren’t blocked. Dr. Harold was on a mission; a mission that he was destined for. Whether the stars became aligned or his number just came up; regardless of the cute phrase used, this was his time. Time for his destiny to be fulfilled.

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