Rogue for the Taking by Amanda Mariel

When true love blossoms, they find themselves at the edge of duty and desire.

Rogue for the taking

A lady bent on seduction…

Lady Othelia Grantham, married the earl of Brighton, a man many years her senior, to save her family from financial ruin. The earl was pleasant, but no sparks existed between them. Now that Othelia is a widow, she vows to live life on her terms. Priority one—Never marry again. Priority number two—experience passion. She sets her sights on the 9th Duke of Ashbrook. He is the perfect scoundrel to indulge her desire and carries no risk of marriage.

A rogue bent on reform…

Alister Brinsley-Radclyffe, Duke of Ashbrook, needs a duchess. A feat that should be easily accomplished by a duke, but even his title is not enough to redeem him from the reputation he’s built for indulging in sin. When a respectable young widow approaches him with a scandalous request, he cannot refuse. She may be his last chance to save his estates. He will teach Lady Brighton about passion, and in doing so, he will capture her heart and fortune.

Only one can win…

If Othelia falls for the duke, she will lose control of her fortune and her freedom. If Alister cannot capture Lady Othelia’s hand in marriage, his legacy will be left in ruins. When true love blossoms, they find themselves at the edge of duty and desire. Only one question remains, who will come out the victor?

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Regency

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Historical / Victorian

Language: English

Keywords: Regency Romance, Victorian Romance, British Historical Romance, English Lords and Ladies, Regency Love Story, Saga, Regency Rogue

Word Count: 17248

Sample text:

Othelia Grantham, Countess of Brighton, sipped her lemonade as she looked across the lush manicured lawn of the Duke and Duchess of Thrones country home. The ton had flocked to the duke and duchesses garden party and now dotted the landscape, enjoying refreshments, rowing in boats, and playing games. Sunshine washed the gently rolling hills surrounding the estate in warm light while birdsong filled the air. Most would call it a perfect afternoon.

Othelia considered it dreadful.

She had spent the previous two years mourning her husband, the Earl of Brighton, while becoming accustomed to being the widowed Countess of Brighton. She followed all the rules—not out of a deep love for her departed husband, though they had shared an affection of sort, theirs was never a love match—she followed the rules out of respect for Lord Brighton and the vows they had exchanged.

For two long and tedious years, she had exemplified the picture of propriety, doing exactly what was expected of a widow and the daughter of an aristocrat. She’d had enough of mourning and propriety to last her a lifetime—more than enough, to be honest. She had been ready to start living after the required year of mourning. Only she lacked the courage. She feared upsetting her family, as well as Lord Brighton’s siblings, and the ramifications if she did.

And then there was her reputation to consider. Othelia had no wish to remarry, and because of her late husband’s generosity, she did not need to marry again. In fact, he had left her a wealthy woman capable of providing for herself. But money could not keep one company and if she ruined her reputation, doors would surely be closed to her.

Still, she longed for adventure. For excitement and most of all for passion...

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Carolin Kern
Author review:
I can always count on a high-quality translation from Carolin, and this one is no exception. She has an eye for detail and a true gift for translating.
Already translated. Translated by Barbara Morgan
Author review:
I do hope you will choose another of my books to translate :)


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