Reprisal by Paul Andrulis

Bill and his marines must face a new, ferocious, and determined alien enemy in a desperate battle to save humanity from extinction.


The battle has raged for years, with each side gaining in both strength and potency. Bill must fight the alien humans on the battlefield and win, or die trying. Former allies have turned enemies, and trust is lost. When even deadlier threats emerge than ever before, can Bill hope to prevail, or will humanity lose the war.


Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Short Stories

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Military

Language: English


Word Count: 18224 as listed on Amazon

Sales info:

Reprisal is a good seller in the English market, having reached a peak ranking of top twenty in sub-genre at Amazon within two months of publication. The entire series still reliably sells copies even to this day, where most books fall completely off the charts within a year of peaking. The two book series has an established fan base and I intend to expand this line to increase the base even more, with translations into various languages.

Each novella is designed to be a quick, inexpensive, yet quality experience for the reader designed to make them want more, with entertaining and interesting characters, extreme high tech weaponry, truly evil yet surprising enemies, in an exciting, believable universe. 

Sample text:


The bar was spinning so fast that Jared could literally hear it scream from the air friction, even past the sound dampeners in his suit. 

"My turn!" The AI screamed through the loudspeaker at a loud enough volume to catch the alien's attention.

The alien armor turned to face the new opponent as the AI just walked towards it with the blur of whirring steel in front of him. Jared could barely make out the alien armor through the silver blur. Suddenly, the AI changed the motion of the steel from a swinging circle into a strike at the left arm of the alien armor. A reverberating WHANG crashed through the air, shattering the silence. 

The AI stepped back and watched the alien armor clutch vainly at the missing stump of an arm. Red spurted from the severed limb, coating the gray deck of the ship.

"That is what I estimated. The aliens distrust computers, so could not have an AI robot. There is indeed an alien inside that suit," the AI said, and then jumped into the air.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Carolina Estrada Castillo

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
