Real Estate: The Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Investing for Beginners by Matthew Kline

(11) The Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Investing for Beginners

Real estate: the comprehensive guide to real estate investing for beginners


The postcard people talked about postcards, the magnet people talked about magnets and no one provided comprehensive information about how to pick a farm, let alone how to effectively use sound marketing techniques across a variety of platforms to grow it, ultimately gain more clients and make more money.

This is a license-test-outline-based review of testable real estate regulatory subject matter. It clusters state statutes and Commission regulations where they belong according to the outline topic areas. This brings widely scattered material together so you, the reader, can get a comprehensive, clear understanding of important, testable material as quickly as possible.

Would you like to generate monthly cash flow without risking your hard-earned cash? Are you an investor looking at real estate but worried about all the headaches a landlord has? Or, are you concerned that so many wealth management strategies are high risk or get-rich-quick schemes? If so, then this book is for you. 

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Real Estate / General

Language: English

Keywords: real estate, real estate investing, rental property investing, house, passive income, investing, invest, how to invest, wealth, wealth creation

Word Count: 3748

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Sample text:

If you have ever shared the idea of investing in real estate with a few people, you may have heard some of them saying, “it’s not the right time”. While the advice was probably well-intentioned, it was wrong. In the real estate world, there is no right or wrong moment. The fact that your high school friend you just bumped into the other day told you how the current market had been a real punch in the face, and that he had managed to lose some great property deals, has nothing to do with you entering the being-a-landlord business.

Do not let the current real estate market blind you. The biggest mistake that investors make is trying to predict a further drop of prices. We don’t have a crystal ball and there is no way to make such predictions. Maybe the price of that house that caught your eye will indeed drop next year, but it is also just as likely to increase.

Your investment shouldn’t be based on what the market is currently like. Waiting to seize ‘the perfect opportunity’ will only put off your investments and every day, month or year you lose waiting for your chance to shine will only keep you further away from the cash flow and property returns. Instead of waiting for the market to reach its peak, why not focus on creating an excellent business plan instead?

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