Positives thinking: Stress Management and Positive Affirmations and Positive Life Changing Quotes by Barry stone

(96) Stress Management and Positive Affirmations and Positive Life Changing Quotes

Positives thinking: stress management and positive affirmations and positive life changing quotes


This book is written to provide techniques and examples that demonstrate that you do not need to be defeated by anything, that you can have peace of mind, improved health, and a never ceasing flow of energy. These things are suggested to help you think positively for every situation in life. In short, by using the suggestions outlined in this book, your life can be full of joy and satisfaction. 

You're about to discover a proven strategy on how to change negative thoughts and energy into positive thinking. Millions of people suffer from negative thoughts and destroy their future through a lot of mistakes. Most people realize how much of a problem this is, but are unable to change their actions, simply because it's been apart of their lifestyle for so long.

If you love negativity and being negative then you will find this is not the book for you, and yes there are some who enjoy being negative and miserable. However, if you want to change the way you have been doing things and get on the right track, you have come to the right place.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: positive thinking, happiness, self esteem, confidence, marriage, divorce, overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 7328

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Sample text:

Now that you have listed all those negative beliefs of yours on the left side of the paper, you might want to sit down with a fresh mind towards the task of actually carving out those positive affirmations that are going to change your life significantly for the better. It might seem a little difficult at first, but once you get deeper and deeper into the process you will find that it is not all that hard. For instance, on the top of your list on the left side of that paper, might be a statement like ‘I’m bad at saving money’. It’s really easy to write a statement that is the exact opposite. All you have to do, really, is to substitute the word ‘bad’ for ‘good’, and you have a positive affirmation that goes like this ‘I’m really good at saving money’. Okay, if it is really not all that easy for you to write something like that down on paper simply because you can’t get yourself to believe so quickly the reverse of what you have been accustomed to believing so much in the past, you might wish to come up with a statement that reads something like ‘I’m getting better at saving money’. 

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