Positive Thinking: Best Strategies to Create a Positive and Your Whole Life Successful by Rachael Coleridge

(83) Best Strategies to Create a Positive and Your Whole Life Successful

Positive thinking: best strategies to create a positive and  your whole life successful


The title is all about positive thinking, positive thoughts, inspiring thoughts and inspirational quotes which are useful and directive for almost everyone who is seeking positivity, inspirations, success in their life and / or who is in a nervous and negative condition of their mind. The title deals with such selected positive and inspiring thoughts which inspire us, direct us and are helpful in our everyone’s life.

A wonderful example of a little girl who believes in her ideas and cares about making the world a better place. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is written is a beautiful rhyming style that children love to hear over and over again! If you have a little girl in your life that you want to inspire, then this is the perfect book for her. This book is about believing in your dreams and making them come true.

Positive thinking is the first step towards achieving success, which is the effective habits and behaviors acquired by the society surrounding the individual. Positive thinking helps the individual to cope with his or her problems with patience and challenge and helps him to find sound and quick solutions to the problem.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 5959

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Sample text:

Society has its own set of dreams for those who are lemmings. What I mean by that is that people follow dreams created by others and find it very hard to keep up to what is expected of them. Who has the latest iPhone? Who has a house with a swimming pool? Who has so much money that they never have to worry about bills? That’s the American dream. Add two kids and a picket fence and people see this as being the absolute must if you want to be happy. Well, I have news for you. Some people, because of circumstances, are forced to have other dreams. You may be one of them, but that doesn’t make your dream any less valid.


You need to work out which way you want your life to go. It isn’t something that society can work out for you. Thus, close your eyes for a moment and imagine where you want your life to go. The best way to head in that direction is to use the technique of envisioning. Close your eyes and think about what makes you happy and what experiences you have had in the past that made you feel good about being you. I remember when I was asked to do this and it took a while to look back over my life to come up with that moment when I was the champion of my life. It happened so many years ago that I had forgotten that feeling of complete freedom and happiness. Your image of that will be different to mine, but we all experience joys in life at some stage and you need to keep a mental picture of this joy in order to help you to see where it is that you want the road of your life to take you.

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