Paleo diet: The Ultimate Paleo Diet Guide for Weight Loss by Leticia Rhodes

The Ultimate Paleo Diet Guide for Weight Loss

Paleo diet:  the ultimate paleo diet guide for weight loss


You'll learn the underground fat-destroying secrets that bodybuilders, celebrities, and fitness gurus use to literally force their bodies to melt away up to five pounds of stubborn fat in as little as seven days. All you have to do is follow the easy step-by-step action plan laid out for you and you will be well on your way to turn your life upside-down and there won't be any obstacles preventing you from gaining the body and life that you want and deserve

The Paleo Diet has been in the spotlight for a while now but there are still many aspects of the Paleo lifestyle that have been misunderstood. But thanks to Cassidy Wilson, and her new book on the subject, just what it means to go Paleo has become a whole lot clearer. In this audiobook, Cassidy goes to great length to describe what foods you should and should not eat, discusses things such as the virtues of good fat versus bad, and even enlightens us about Paleo exercise.

With that said, our food environment has changed over time and we are dealing with overabundance instead of scarcity. Another important thing to understand is that the foods that we are accustomed to consuming in the modern times are low on nutrition and high on calories. Thus, although, we are gaining weight, we are still malnourished. The motivation behind Paleo diet is that it recreates the food environment that we were created for and our bodies get to function normally.

Genre: COOKING / Courses & Dishes / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: paleo, paleo diet, paleo diet for beginners, paleo diet recipes, paleo diet meal plan, paleo diet for athletes, keto diet, low carb diet, weight loss

Word Count: 3057

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Avocado, Kale, and Peach Smoothie


●   1/2 to 1 ripened avocado  

●   1/2 a banana (you can use frozen or fresh)

●   3 or 4 peach slices ( you can use fresh or frozen)

●   1/4 to 1/2 c. kale, frozen and chopped finely

●   1 c almond milk. Can also use it coconut milk and almond milk blend. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Karen Merivot
Already translated. Translated by Catarina Mendes
Already translated. Translated by Irina Gruszka

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