Paleo diet: Recipes And Snacks For Beginners by James Chef

Recipes And Snacks For Beginners

Paleo diet: recipes and snacks for beginners


The paleo diet is inspired by the diet of our ancestors during the caveman era. Fueled by modern medical and scientific research, the diet is all about eating whole, healthy foods and staying away from processed foods and artificial sweeteners. It takes you back to the days of our primitive ancestors, who did not have to worry about high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity. That's because they ate whatever they found - foods that were naturally abundant.

Get your meat lover on-board with Paleo! Following a Paleo diet is easy to do with these simple, yet delicious slow cooker recipes. Starting a Paleo diet isn’t something that everyone adopts right away. But serving familiar favorites that adhere to Paleo standards is a great way to introduce this lifestyle to those who are reluctant to try it!

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: COOKING / Entertaining

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Allergies

Language: English

Keywords: paleo, paleo diet, paleo diet for beginners, paleo diet recipes, paleo diet meal plan, paleo diet for athletes, keto diet, low carb diet, weight loss

Word Count: 10909

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Sample text:

While on the paleo diet you can eat:

Meats – Poultry, grass-fed beef, pork chops, pork tenderloin, bacon, turkey, ostrich, quail, turtle, pheasant, chicken, steak, veal, lamb rack, lamb chops, venison steaks, bison, rabbit, goat, goose, wild boar, reindeer, kangaroo, emu, elk, buffalo, clams. These meats should be from animals that are pasture raised.
Eggs – You can eat (chicken, duck or goose) eggs. Ensure the eggs are from free-range chicken
Seafood – Ensure they are wild caught. You can eat tilapia, bass, red snapper, salmon, halibut, sunfish, trout, mackerel, walleye, sardines, tuna, shark, swordfish, lobster, crab, clams, shrimp, crawfish, scallops, crayfish, oysters
Vegetables – Asparagus, broccoli, avocado, celery, carrots, cabbage, artichoke hearts, spinach, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, peppers, green onions, eggplant, cauliflower, parsley. Starchy vegetables such as yum, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, beets and acorn squash should only be eaten in moderation. 

Nuts – Cashews, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pine nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts. You can also eat sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.
Fruits – Apple, lemon, avocado, strawberries, blackberries, watermelon, papaya, pineapple guava, peaches, lime, plums, raspberries, mango, lychee, cantaloupe, tangerine, blueberries, figs, grapes, oranges. You can also eat bananas but do so in moderation as they are high in carbs. 
Fats and oils – Coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, macadamia oil 

It would be best if you familiarize yourself with the foods you can eat. This way, instead of thinking of the foods you’re subtracting, you can think of ways to include all the foods you will be eating. Still, you should know what to avoid. 

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