Only a Viscount Will Do by Tamara Gill

When a well-bred woman seeks revenge, she'll make this gentleman thief pay for his crimes with everything...including his heart.

Only a viscount will do

Lady Alice Worthingham never conforms to Society's norms. Ever. She loves adventure, new experiences, and approaches life with a sassy attitude Society can take or leave. But even for her, robbery by a highwayman is a bit much.

Lord Arndel, Lady Alice's neighbor, is playing a dangerous game--acting the proper viscount by day and the Surrey Bandit by night. And to brazenly steal from the woman who's captured his attention is no mean feat, or the wisest of moves.
When Lady Alice learns the truth, the viscount finds that when a well-bred woman seeks revenge, she'll make a gentleman thief pay for his crimes with everything...including his heart.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Regency

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Historical / Victorian

Language: English

Keywords: regency romance, victorian romance, historical romance

Word Count: 75,000

Sales info:

Only a Viscount Will Do is the third book in my To Marry a Rogue series which I've recently had the translations rights returned to me.

Sample text:

Callum squinted, the light in the room blinding as the

blindfold was ripped from his face. He blinked, growing

accustomed to the brightness in the room.

He didn’t recognize any of the men staring at him, but

he could understand the menace that glistened in their

eyes. Callum rolled his shoulders, the bands about his wrists

leaving his hands almost numb.

“Who the hell are you?”

The man behind the desk, a rotund, balding gentleman,

stared at him nonplussed. “I’m a moneylender. One who’s

come to collect.”

Two more burly men came into the room and stood

behind the man at the desk. They crossed their arms over

their chest and Callum understood the unspoken threat. “I

don’t owe you any funds.”

The man laughed. “Tsk tsk, a minor detail that you’ll

soon be remedied of. You, Lord Arndel may not owe the

money, but you have inherited the debt of your late cousin,

along with his title.” He shrugged. “I’m sorry to be the bearer

of bad news, but the debt your cousin owed me is perhaps

more than you can pay, and, therefore, just as your cousin

was asked to do, you, too, shall have expectations toward us

that will be met.”

“I’ll do nothing you ask of me. I have no idea of this debt

that you speak, and I fail to see why I should inherit it.”

“All true,” the man said, his eyes narrowing slightly.

“And yet you do inherit the debt and you shall do as we say

or your sweet, loving family shall be, how do I say this,” he

said, tapping his chin, “hurt.”​


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Nicole Smith
Author review:
Wonderful translation as usual. Thank you.
Already translated. Translated by Lucía Espinosa
Author review:
Fantastic translation as usual. Thank you. Highly recommend.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
