Murder Has Consequences by Giacomo Giammatteo

For a select few people, friendship lasts forever. Nicky Fusco and Frankie Donovan were friends like that, but that was years ago. Now Frankie’s a detective in Brooklyn’s Homicide department, and Nicky is a reformed hit man. But when Frankie gets in troub

Murder has consequences

Actions have consequences. I learned that long ago.

Different actions yield different consequences. Do something wrong—get sent to prison. That’s one kind of consequence. But that’s the easy one. If you go to prison, you do your time and get out. It’s over. Done with.

But there is another, far worse, consequence—the one you have to live with day in and day out. The kind of consequence you beat yourself up over. The kind that won’t go away. I did my time for killing Freddy Campisi. The other things I’ve done I have to live with. Those are between me and God. They are my cross on earth.


Nicky Fusco

Genre: FICTION / Mystery & Detective / General

Language: English


Word Count: 102,000

Sales info:

since 3/2013, it has sold approximately 9,000 copies. 

Sample text:



Wilmington, Delaware

I looked out my window toward Front Street, then lifted my head until I caught sight of the steeple of St. Elizabeth’s Church. On a good day, when my window was open, I could hear the bells ringing. All I heard today was traffic. I picked up the phone and dialed Angie; she’d be expecting me for dinner. Adapting to my new life had been tough. I had traded excitement and danger for the routine of a family and a steady job. All in all a good trade, but at times I still itched to do something. Angie answered on the fifth ring. I always counted because I hung up if no one answered after ring five.


Angie had the best voice in the world. Strong and forceful, but…gentle too.

“Hey, babe, I’ve got to check a job tonight, so I’ll be a little late. You and Rosa eat without me.”

“I’ll wait for you,” she said. “Rosa’s eating with a friend.”

“Okay, if you don’t mind. I’ll see you later.”

I grabbed my briefcase, a thin black leather one Angie gave me for my birthday, put the blueprints inside and headed for the door. “Sheila, tell Joe I’m going to check that new site.”

“Which one?”

“The new condos.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow.”

I hated lying to Sheila. Hated lying to Angie even more, but this was something that had to be done. I checked my watch as I started the car—4:45. That should give me plenty of time to get there before Marty Ferris left work. He was Rosa’s scum-sucking ex-stepfather who needed to be taught a lesson. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Lorena Croci
Already translated. Translated by Fabiana Santos da Silva
Already translated. Translated by Lineth Blanco

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
