Police Procedurals; Traditional Detectives; British Detectives

Murder at 113 lombard street

The collective poisoning of all the residents in a London guesthouse breaks the magic in Lombard Street on the night of 11th of December. The crime investigations, the detailed toxicology reports, the tense trial and its results keep the Londoners and the press waiting with bated breath for new developments.
Murder at 113 Lombard Street follows the English School police novels’ classical pattern. Genre enthusiasts will enjoy reading it.

Genre: FICTION / Mystery & Detective / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Mystery & Detective / Traditional British

Language: English

Keywords: Mystery; , Detective , Police Procedural , Traditional British

Word Count: 31,582

Sales info:

Ranking #59 in published in Spanish language.

Ranking #3790 in published in English language.

Sample text:


Through the fog he made out the police officer, patrolling the roundabout. He shouted as loudly as he could. The officer followed the direction the cry came from and approached the person; he stopped his bike and asked:

“Is there something wrong, sir?”

“Quickly!” said Paul. “There’s no time to waste! Look for a vehicle to carry two seriously ill patients to the hospital! But don’t waste any time, please. I’ll wait for you at 113 Lombard Street.”


The policeman arrived with the ambulance twenty minutes later. When he saw that no one was waiting for him, he thought that he’d been the victim of a practical joke or someone had wanted to divert or distract him from his job. Only curiosity, when finding the door to the house open, brought him in and up the stairs. When he reached the living room, he was shocked. He could not believe his eyes. There, writhing on the floor apparently having severe seizures was the man who warned him earlier and five others, including a girl. He picked up the girl in his arms and hurried downstairs. He placed the fragile little body on the stretcher and ordered the driver:

“Take her to the hospital and send three more ambulances immediately! There are five more people in the same condition up there. This looks very serious. Hurry!”



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