Mormons: The Serpent's Saints by Repen T. OrBurn

The book that will give you the knowledge necessary to not only refute the errors of Mormonism but also lead Mormons to a saving faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Mormons: the serpent's saints

While Christian denominations world-wide have been slipping into apathy, worldliness and Biblical illiteracy the cult of Mormonism has been able to preach its satanic doctrines throughout the world deceiving countless souls in the process.

It's time for true men, women and even children of God to stand against the heresies being taught by the Mormons and contend for the true Christian faith. Mormons: The Serpent's Saints will teach you how to do just that!

Learn about:

◊ Joseph Smith's witchcraft and devil worship

◊ Brigham Young's murderous teachings

◊ False prophecies & historical errors in the Mormon scriptures

◊ And much more!

Understand the truth that just as Christians are followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Lutherans are followers of the teachings of Martin Luther, Mormons are in fact followers of Mormo the king of devils or none other than Satan himself!

Learn the truth about the satanic cult of Mormonism and its false prophets before someone you know is converted to the soul-damning doctrines of Mormonism!

Genre: RELIGION / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English


Word Count: 10,778

Sales info:

Slated for a December 1, 2015 release.

Sample text:


This book is intended to be both a tool the Lord uses to lead Mormons to the light of His true word, a saving faith in His Son and a future in the New Jerusalem as well as a manual for true Christians to read in preparation of witnessing to their Mormon neighbors or educating their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on the grave dangers of Mormonism. This author's prayer is not that this book will be praised but simply that it will be used by God in whatever way He sees fit to use such in His wisdom. If just one individual finds a reason to leave the satanic cult of Mormonism or one true Christian receives a nugget of truth in this book that he or she later uses to lead a Mormon to convert to loving and obeying the one true God of the Bible, this book will be a colossal success.

The Mormon belief system which is integrated into both The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Reorganized Church of Latter-day Saints now known as the Community of Christ was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith. While this religion was founded on little more than the personal and heretical beliefs of young Joseph Smith it has since become one of the largest and most influential cults the world has ever seen.

The Mormon religion is well known to be the second wealthiest religion on the face of the earth next to Roman Catholicism. Mormonism is not simply a group of churches with a small amount of real estate holdings; the Mormon religion is a vast corporate empire worth billions of dollars. In fact the Mormon Church owns and controls power and media companies and has an enormous amount of real estate holdings all around the world including Hawaii and even the small South Pacific island country of Tonga which it claims will become the first ever Mormon country in the world, despite various Kings of Tonga publicly opposing such claims.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Monise Moreno de Souza
Already translated. Translated by Ramon Santana

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
