Minimalism: The Ultimate Guide and Priorities Straight with Simplify Life by Stephen Russ

(68) The Ultimate Guide and Priorities Straight with Simplify Life

Minimalism: the ultimate guide and priorities straight with simplify life


A simplified life is the secret to purposeful achievement and inner peace. You can choose to live a life that is not complicated or over-stuffed. This can be yours starting from today as you implement what you will learn in this book. 

It may take a lot of time before you get things moving in the right way that you want, but, with the help of this book you will enjoy a completely clutter free life and things will be much simplified. This book will provide you with a step by step guide to help you declutter your life and keep it free. 

Learn how to use the power of positive affirmation to bring wealth and happiness into your life in this amazing book. Positive affirmations so powerful and they can lead to major changes in every aspect of your life. You will learn to abandon of all of the negativity also that is preventing you from achieving your full potential, and turn positive thoughts and attitudes into a positive new reality. 

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 6664

Sales info:

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Sample text:

The main reason why people have a consumeristic lifestyle and chase “possessions” is because they fear they will miss out on something greater if they don’t buy that next new thing. There is even an acronym that is being passed around millennials saying FOMO- fear of missing out. Every day we are presented with many different opportunities to buy that are simply too good to pass-up. In this situation saying “no” can be very powerful but difficult, and is often ignored.

Then there is boredom. If we don’t have the latest gadget to play with, what will we do with all our free time? Humans, more today than ever before, enjoy keeping busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They want to put their minds on autopilot, and not “think” per se. Just look at yourself, heck, even your friends and family. I would bet you, like others, are constantly keeping your minds numb and busy. Ask yourself this, how often in bed are you lying down and instead of sleeping, are on your phone, surfing the web and social media pages? I know I am guilty for this. Are you? Furthermore, we all want that fancy new toy to play with, hence the widespread adoption of smartphones, where even children won’t go without their phones for more than half-a-day. Instead of sitting and enjoying life, they must keep busy by being up-to-date with everyone else’s lives (i.e. celebrities).

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