Minimalism: The Essential Guide to Living a Simpler Happier by Rick Watchorn

(56) The Essential Guide to Living a Simpler Happier

Minimalism: the essential guide to living a simpler happier


This book helps you understand the mechanics underlying stress and how it can provide negative dimensions to your life. It is pertinent that we remain stress-free to enable us to realize our total potential and avoid anxiety. To deal with stress, minimalism comes to your aid by reducing the number of commitments and possessions you have to look after. This book is a complete guide to helping you defeat stress, anxiety, and negativity through minimalism.

We will start with a goal in mind, and break it into small steps that we can actually accomplish. Unlike some “experts”, we will not tell you to completely “overhaul” your lives. We do not need to get rid of our closet organization only in order to put a more elaborate shelving unit in to stash, stuff, and store more clothes. Our beauty routine does not need to be revamped to help us maximize the amount of brushes we are using to apply layers of products that we do not actually need.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 8807

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Sample text:

You may have seen the pages of eBay filled with second hand items. Basically this means that materialism encourages us to buy things that we find, at some time, we no longer need. There are several benefits to decluttering and I will explain them in the following paragraphs. They affect all areas of your life, so it’s important to understand what you hope to achieve from such a drastic change in your lifestyle. This helps you to have the impetus or motivation to do what you need to do to change your ways.


The negative effects of clutter affect you in many ways:


Physically – They stop you from being able to exercise freedom. Your rooms are filled with things that get in the way of freedom of expression. You need to work harder to keep your home clean. Clutter confuses the mind and therefore adds to your stress levels. It can cause other physical impairments as well. If you have an allergy to dust, then clutter can play havoc with your breathing.

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