Minimalism: Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Simply Life by Michelle Collins

(36) Step-By-Step Guide to Living a Simply Life

Minimalism: step-by-step guide to living a simply life


The Step-by-Step Guide to Minimalism is a well written work that takes you on a tour through several aspects of your life that you may not have thought could be subject to minimalism.
It works great, the author is able to deliver insightful and powerful principles and guide the reader through them step by step in an easy to follow manner.

A minimаliѕt inѕtеаd embraces thе bеаutу оf lеѕѕ, the aesthetic оf ѕраrеnеѕѕ, a lifе оf соntеntеdnеѕѕ in what we nееd and what makes uѕ truly hарру. 

In his book you will not only learn how to successfully declutter your home. You will learn how to budget for minimalist life. You will get organizing tips and ideas that will work even in small living spaces and tiny houses and guidelines how to develop a minimalist wardrobe. You will even find minimalist home decorating ideas and minimalist lifestyle tips. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 21875

Sales info:

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Sample text:

If you search for the true meaning of minimalism, you would find that traditional dictionaries still have not figured out how to best describe it. The most prevalent and formal definition of the term is “the art movement of painting and sculpture that focus on extreme simplification.” In fact, the term “minimalism” as we know it today only recently began to carry a much different connotation than in years past. It was not until around 2009 and 2010 when westerners started opening up to the idea of simple living and associating it with the word “minimalism.”

Now, most people know that minimalism means simplifying one’s lifestyle in a number of ways. The most common one is reducing one’s possessions, closely followed by enhancing self-sufficiency. Most minimalists admire the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) and Mahatma Gandhi, which state that one should be satisfied with what they already have, rather than to always focus on what they desire (the root cause of suffering).

Based on these alone, you can deduce that minimalism is a response to the over-consumerism of modern-day society. In a world in which excess runs rampant throughout many of our lives, a minimalist strives to maintain a frugal and well balanced lifestyle. In a society that is bombarded with materialism and conspicuous consumption, minimalists focus on recycling, being kind to the environment, and buying only what they really need. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Luis Enrique Bossio Montellanos

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