Minimalism: Everything You Need to Know About of a Tidy Home and Benefit You Quickly by Sophie Stone

(23) Everything You Need to Know About of a Tidy Home and Benefit You Quickly

Minimalism: everything you need to know about of a tidy home and benefit you quickly


Minimalism is a philosophy of focusing on only the essential things. A minimalistic approach means that you are not cluttering your life with unnecessary things and that you have simplified it as much as possible. Each person is free to decide their own limits in adopting minimalism. One thing is certain - becoming a minimalist will make you feel better, happier and healthier in no time!

Minimalism gives you that opportunity. Minimalism offers a different perspective on life, where quality, no quantity, is what matters. Where authenticity outweighs hype. Where substance, quality and elegance are recognised as the true values.

Minimalism is not about leading a nomadic life; it is also not about becoming a recluse. Minimalism is not a fancy term that is the fad now; it is all about being simple, enjoying complete freedom, moving from possession to passion and living to relishing life. 
Leading a minimalistic lifestyle is not easy; but once you master it, you will discover a newer meaning of living.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 5190

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Sample text:

If you wish to get a lot of stuff, it is recommended to know and figure out what you would like to keep first. The actual number of possessions you have doesn’t necessarily matter. Do not get rid of stuff just because you are able to. If this is the process you adopt, you will be more sad and lonely without the things that did make you happy at the time, and you will also be more likely to just buy newer versions of the things you trashed. Do not put yourself in this position to be your own personal yo-yo.  


If you want to really start your way into getting rid of unneeded physical objects like a true minimalist, it is recommended that you test the waters slowly, seeing what you can and cannot live without.  


In a culture literally drowning within the seas of our possessions, we take more and more into our lives but take no time to discard the things that we no longer have use for. We try to organize our things, researching and buying elaborate organizational tools and containers to try to be more efficient.

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Already translated. Translated by Guilherme R Basilio

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