Minimalism: Declutter Organize and Regaining Your Personal Power by Nitesh Lindstrom

(12) Declutter Organize and Regaining Your Personal Power

Minimalism: declutter organize and regaining your personal power


This book contains proven steps and strategies on living a minimalist way of life and embracing the fact that less is more. This can serve as your guide on your journey towards minimalism and help you determine your purpose as to why you are assuming this lifestyle. Moreover, it helps you set your priorities and disregard certain habits or tangible things that weigh you down.

This guide understands and teaches the minimalism lifestyle as a tool for more order, time, and freedom. You need to declutter with minimalism just one more time and can then leave behind the internal and external clutter forever. What is the point of a tidy home if you have not decluttered inside your head? You will learn the proven 4M Method to Minimalism and many other useful tools to help you get the most out of this new lifestyle.

We all have the power to control certain aspects of our lives. One aspect we can control is our surroundings; our surroundings are often a major contributor to stress and negative feelings. Most of the time, we are the cause of our own stress simply because we do nothing to improve our situation. We allow ourselves to fall victim to the materialistic drive of the world, and in doing so, we sacrifice our well-being. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 12314

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Sample text:

Emotions play a very big role in how we live our lives. In fact, how we live our lives  largely depends on our emotional state. As we have seen, minimalism is all about concentrating on areas of your life that add value to your life and mean a lot to you.
What does this mean to you?
Let us look at an example. If you spend most of your time worrying, stressed out of your mind about things you have little or no control over, do you think you are doing yourself any favors?
The correct guess would be no.
Earlier on, we pointed out that minimalism is much more than decluttering your home.

Here is what we meant by this: minimalism, and creating a minimal mind and lifestyle starts in the mind before it moves on to the physical bit. Therefore, with this understanding, it is easy to see that there is need to declutter your mind from emotional baggage, and start afresh.
The 30-day minimalistic challenge caters to precisely that. It helps you to declutter your mind and home and get the fresh start you so rightly deserve.

We have looked at some principles you can use to declutter your home. It is only right that we look at how to declutter your mind of the emotional baggage that is holding you back.

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