Minimalism: A Real-Life Guide to Organizing and Current Living Situation by Renae Stanton

(14) A Real-Life Guide to Organizing and Current Living Situation

Minimalism:  a real-life guide to organizing and current living situation


Minimalists are people who consciously and intentionally try to live with only what they really need. The mantra would be: "Identify the essential, and eliminate all else." Minimalists are against uncontrolled consumption. It seems that when you have more things that you can use and want more than you can afford, you enter into a vicious cycle in which your things do not work for you, but you work for them, in order to impress other persons and raise your status in life

Once we understand all these things, minimalism is simple. It becomes a part of who we are. It is a lifestyle, a mindset, and an opportunity. All of us can reduce our belongings. All of us can declutter our homes and minds. That is the goal of this book. To learn how having less means doing more of what we love when we want to do it. You don’t have to get rid of everything, you just have to know what needs to go and what you really should keep.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 4714

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Sample text:

Start by breaking the items down into three categories: things to keep, things to give away and things to throw away. In terms of the first category be ruthless and do not keep anything that you will not need or which does not bring something to your life. The designer and novelist William Morris used to say that you should “have nothing in the house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” and this might be a good adage to bear in mind as you weigh up each item. The second category is probably relatively easy; giving things away is something that we do not find nearly as difficult as throwing things away. If you have old towels that you no longer use there is bound to be some charity or animal shelter. That can make use of them. It is the throwing away category that we battle with. Whatever item you choose to throw away did, after all, once occupy a place of some esteem in your home and now to just junk it may feel wasteful or ungrateful. There is often a tendency to bump items that should go to the bin up to the giveaway box. Just be careful that you are not just moving your unwanted possession onto someone else just because you lack the courage to condemn it to where it rightfully belongs. However much you waver between the throwaway box and the giveaway box make sure nothing creeps up to the “to keep” box. If it has failed the criteria then its status should not be changed.

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Already translated. Translated by Marcelo Paz

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