Mindfulness: Practical Mindfulness Skills to Help You and Live in the Present Moment Everywhere by Stephen Gehart

(23) Practical Mindfulness Skills to Help You and Live in the Present Moment Everywhere

Mindfulness: practical mindfulness skills to help you and live in the present moment everywhere


Mindfulness is our ability to stay aware of our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and the environment around us. When we practice mindfulness, we challenge ourselves to be fully present in our lives so that nothing escapes our attention. This book seeks to explore the various benefits of mindfulness and how regular practice can improve a person’s life. What are some of these benefits?

This book covers the details about what you need to do and what routines to follow to reach your goals. 

In this book, you will learn what mіndfulness іs - and what іt isn't. Іt's yоur essentіal guіde thrоugh the many mіscоnceptіоns abоut thіs ancіent practіce. Beіng mоre cоnscіоus, lіvіng іn actіve awareness, and оpenіng yоurself tо yоur current experіences can benefіt yоur mental and physіcal health. Mіndfulness іs essentіal tо Buddhіst and Hіndu practіces and іs used by mоdern psychоlоgіcal therapists to treat a variety of mental іllnesses.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.



Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: confidence, marriage, divorce, overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 4002

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Sample text:

The key to mindful stress reduction is mindfulness.  Mindfulness is practiced in Buddhist meditation but this does not mean that only monks can do it. Mindfulness is defined as the intentional and non-judgmental focus of your thoughts, emotions as well as sensations in the present moment.


Mindfulness is used to promote the well-being of its practitioners. Studies have shown that mindfulness can help lessen the impact of depression and anxiety. This is the reason why clinical psychology is using mindfulness to help develop techniques on how to treat patients suffering from a number of psychological conditions.


Today, mindfulness provides a growing interest in research due to its ability to help people suffering from emotional problems. Although mindfulness is already backed by science, the principles behind it are simple really. The central dogma of mindfulness is to put yourself in a relaxed condition by freeing yourself from any negative and invasive thoughts. While your mind is relaxed, you observe and understand the processes that are going on inside your mind.  It may sound very easy but people who are just starting out do not know where to begin. It is important to take note that mindfulness takes willpower and discipline.

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