Michelle Nardi by A. B. Simpson

The Rev. Michele Nardi, whose biography is herewith issued, was a remarkable man.

Michelle nardi

The Rev. Michele Nardi, whose biography is herewith issued, was a remarkable man. The story of his life is so fully told in the following pages that by way of introduction little seems to be called for. That little will naturally take the form of “An Appreciation” by the undersigned.

My first acquaintance with Mr. Nardi dates back some years when I went to Philadelphia to assist him in work he was at that time carrying on among the Italians in that city. I then at once saw he was a man of unusual oratorical gifts and that he had a strong hold on the hearts of his fellow-countrymen who had gathered at the services over which he had presided. In due time the New York City Mission was looking for a man to take the place of its veteran Italian pastor, the Rev. A. A. Arrighi, and the Society was quite persuaded that there was no more acceptable and reliable man than just the one whom I had heard in Philadelphia. We then issued him a call, and for about six years he had charge of our Italian Mission in Charlton Street, which during this time became the Charlton Street Memorial Church, and for about two years he also had charge of the Italian work in the Broome Street Tabernacle. Here Mr. Nardi was instant in season and out of season, not only preaching and teaching, but visiting incessantly, like the apostle Paul, from house to house, beseeching every man to be reconciled to God. Mr. Nardi was a man possessed with the Spirit of his Master, and for him it was “meat and drink” to do the will of his Heavenly Father. As a pulpit orator he manifested all the fervor of his race. His preaching, however, was thoroughly evangelical and evangelistic; his only aim being to bring everyone into vital union with Christ as his Saviour, and then to build them up in their Christian life, so that they in turn should be winners of souls. He believed in the Word and always preached it faithfully, never turning aside to political or other themes and never indulging in the clap-trap of cheap attacks on the Catholic Church. His one aim was to set up a standard of truth as laid down in the Bible and let all else take care of itself.

While he was with the City Mission, he also coöperated in the Evangelistic Summer Tent Work; and here too he was a tower of strength. Italian audiences always hung on his words, and were fascinated by the message that he had to give.

In 1913 Mr. Nardi left us to return to his native land, and the City Mission parted with him with sincere regret and with feelings of high esteem for the splendid work he had done while with us. The same fervor which he displayed while in New York manifested itself in Italy. Practically, Mr. Nardi burned himself out. Had he been more sparing of his strength, his ministry would undoubtedly have been more prolonged. He felt that he must work while it was day, and so he flamed on, until his light swiftly went out, and he entered into that life where all is light, where there is no weakness, or weariness, or cessation of service, and where in his Master’s presence he can realize that larger life and perfect service of which he often spoke to his congregations. The City Mission is glad that it had the privilege of having Mr. Nardi in its work for so many years.

A. F. Schauffler, D.D.,

President N. Y. City Mission Society.


Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Christian Life / Inspirational

Language: English

Keywords: CrossReach Publications, Books by A. W. Tozer, Italian Evangelists, Books about Italian Evangelicals, Books about Italian Christianity, Books about Christianity in Italy, Christianity in Italy, Books about Protestants in Italy, Books about Italian Protestants

Word Count: 26825

Book translation status:

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Already translated. Translated by Bernarda Rojas Valenzuela

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