Master Your Emotions by Justin Moore

Developing EQ, Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, & Intentional Living

Emotions are a totally natural experience, yet the way we are intended to work through our emotions as evolved humans is far different from how our primal brain often encourages us to.

Master your emotions

Emotions are a big deal. The good ones seem positive, fun, and enjoyable. But the negative ones? They can rip right through you and leave you feeling totally at their mercy. Then comes the shame.

Emotions are a totally natural experience, yet the way we are intended to work through our emotions as evolved humans is far different from how our primal brain often encourages us to. Anytime you experience an emotion, you likely experience a flood of thoughts, impulses, and feelings that generally try to take over. Sometimes, they may even succeed. What can follow is stress, embarrassment, guilt, shame, and other painful feelings that are hard to navigate and release.

Are you tired of dealing with these feelings?

Are you ready to release them and heal from them once and for all?

Are you ready to take control of your emotions, and your emotional expression?

The solution lies in emotional mastery. Master Your Emotions is an entire guide book written to help you better understand your emotions so that you can stop feeling overruled by them, and start seeing the true value they hold. As you unlock the magic of emotions and learn how to use them to your advantage, you will begin to realize that emotions are an incredibly powerful tool, and that they have meant to serve you all this time.

You will also discover how to allow them to serve you in a way that actually fits in with our modern way of life.

Every chapter of this book is full of practical information, actual tools you can implement to help you take control over your emotions, and food for thought to help you shift your perspective into a healthier and more productive one. Some of what you will learn in Master Your Emotions includes:

And more!

Through reading Master Your Emotions you will not only discover the potential for mastering your emotions, but you will also discover practical measures that you can implement today so that you can start seeing results right away! Buy your copy of Master Your Emotions today so that you can stop being overruled by your emotions, and start experiencing your emotions in a healthier way.

Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Emotions

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Applied Psychology

Language: English

Keywords: empathy, emotions, emotional intelligence, ei, social awareness, emotional, self-help, self help emotions, self help, self-help emotions, emotional awareness, self-discipline, self discipline

Word Count: 29989

Sample text:

I hope that in reading Master Your Emotions, you discovered many empowering tools to help you better understand yourself and the emotional experiences you might have in your day to day life. I hope that you are also able to feel more confident in your ability to completely navigate your emotions in a way that is safer and more thorough than you may already be doing. When you learn how to truly navigate and master your emotions like a pro, you end up creating space for you to enjoy life in a more fulfilling and meaningful manner. What I mean by that is, you can begin to rely on your emotions to support you with your wellbeing, and you begin to trust that you will be able to navigate difficult situations from a perspective of emotional resiliency. This ends up creating the perfect scenario for you to open yourself up to receiving greater opportunities in life, and feel confident in taking those opportunities because you know you have what it takes to manage yourself as you embrace them.

Emotional management is also an incredibly powerful tool to help you begin to experience true happiness and fulfillment in your life. So often, people get stuck in negative cycles where their emotions feel overwhelming and seem to take over, and that can lead to massive levels of guilt, embarrassment, and shame. The more you feel those emotions, and reinforce them through your emotional expressions, the more you will find yourself struggling to feel true happiness and fulfillment in your life. When you learn to change those behaviors, however, you begin to create space for you to heal from past emotional expressions and enjoy healthier and more fulfilling new ones. Through that, you begin to experience emotional freedom, as well as true happiness and fulfillment in your life.

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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Diego Velarde and Julia Kräutler

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