Manipulation: A Guide... by Tina Berg

To Learning Covert Emotional Manipulation, NLP, Mind Control, and Deception

Are you tired of being let down, taken advantage of, and walked all over on a regular basis?

Manipulation:  a guide...

Are you tired of being let down, taken advantage of, and walked all over on a regular basis? Are you sick of always being the one that is not in control of a situation? If so, then keep reading.

When you are the small fry in a sea full of big fish, you have a few options: Get eaten, live in fear, or adapt. Adaption will allow you to live without fear and this book is here to teach you how to do exactly that. When you struggle in social settings, you may find that you are constantly feeling low. You may feel frustrated or feel like you cannot get your own needs met. You could accept that, or you could choose to take matters into your own hands.

When you learn how to manipulate other people, you are gaining all sorts of extra control over the world around you. You are learning how to control your surroundings and those in it. You are learning how to influence the way that other people behave. You are able to convince other people to give you what you want or need. When you learn to master the skills of manipulation, you develop many different skills that can help elevate you to the top of the proverbial totem pole—you will be able to ensure that you can avoid being taken advantage of because you will be the one doing the taking advantage of others. You will be the one that is getting what you want once and for all, and this book will teach you how to do so. Within these pages, you will be introduced to several topics to teach you how to manipulate in nearly any setting. You will be able to control your interactions with people, how they see the world, and how they interact with you with ease.

You will find the following

And more!!

You do not have to be the smallest fish in the sea, carried around by the currents around you any longer. You can take back that control in your life. Even if you have never been good at social skills before, you can learn how people work and how you can control them. All you have to do is take the steps necessary to learn these processes.

Do not waste one more day being the one that is controlled. Scroll up and click on BUY NOW today!

Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Applied Psychology

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / General

Language: English

Keywords: manipulation, mind control, manipulate, self discipline, self control, emotional intelligence, psychology, manipulation for dummies, beginners guide to manipulation, manipulation and psychology, manipulation beginners easy, analyze people, body language, psychology easy

Word Count: 15058

Sample text:

This is important—when you are able to manipulate other people, you know that, if push comes to shove, you can take care of yourself. You know that you are more than capable of managing a situation and ensuring that you are the one who remains in a position of power at any point in time. You will be able to recognize whatever it is that you need to do in order to get what you need and you are not afraid to follow through with making it happen in the first place.

From here, all that is left to do is practice. You can practice just about anywhere you want or feel the need to—you could, for example, attempt to practice these techniques with other people around you in public, trying to see if you can sway how other people respond to you. You could try using them on friends, though if you are caught, you may find that you have ruined a perfectly good relationship. No matter where you decide to practice, however, remember that ultimately, you have been given a very powerful tool and you have a duty to use that tool in ways that are responsible. Take that to mean what you will, but ensure that you are always willing and ready to deal with the consequences of your actions, no matter what they may wind up being. Only when you can own up to those consequences will you be really able to properly manipulate other people without fear.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Serge Arnaud
Already translated. Translated by Salvatore Di Trapani
Translation in progress. Translated by Leandro Prudente
Already translated. Translated by Alfonsina D'Attellis

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
