Manifestation: Secrets about how to attract and Manifest by Neville Dotts

What is mindfulness, really?

Manifestation: secrets about how to attract and manifest


In this guide you'll find out mindfulness isn't what you think it is - it's something better. Stop wasting your time needlessly suffering through muddled meditation exercises and discover the essence of mindfulness.

Why do most people have trouble manifesting the “big” stuff that matters to them — for example, large sums of money, relationships and physical objects such as cars and houses?

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Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / General

Language: English

Keywords: manifesting, manifestation, meditation, self help, motvation, law of attraction, universe, stress, spiritual

Word Count: 4362

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Sample text:

Are you looking for something more out of life? If so, you are not alone. Many people are today and find the solution in the New Age Movement.

The New Age movement adopts ideas from a number of different movements that emphasize spirituality and the spiritual conscious mind. The main idea is to enforce serenity of the mind.

Book translation status:

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Unavailable for translation.
Already translated. Translated by Serena Simonetti
Unavailable for translation.
Already translated. Translated by Talita Ferreira
Unavailable for translation.
Translation in progress. Translated by Andrea Herrera

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