Manifestation: Secret Guide to the Law of Attraction by John Hodges

Want to master manifestation within days in easy ways?

Manifestation: secret guide to the law of attraction


Right now, think of something that makes you successful. If you have something in your mind but you don't know how to achieve them, Manifestation Miracle Hacks will show you how! Before you learn how to master it, you need to understand Law of Attraction. This book is designed for beginners who are clueless about Law of Attraction.

Over thirty years ago, a small band of people began an intentional community called Findhorn. They lived by applying principles of attracting to oneself, through love, whatever materials, energy, or help were needed to promote wholeness or further growth.

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Genre: RELIGION / Ancient

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Language: English

Keywords: manifesting, manifestation, meditation, self help, motvation, law of attraction, universe, stress, spiritual

Word Count: 10000

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Sample text:

God had given him. He touched many things like water fountain, trees, flowers, and butterflies and everything turned into Gold. He was really mesmerized with the boon and he enjoyed touching and turning everything into Gold. Finally, he became hungry and asked for food and water, but his food and water also converted into Gold. Then, when his beloved daughter came near him and when he wanted to cherish her, she also turned into Gold. He cried a lot and then God appeared to him and he asked to take his boon back. So we can learn from this story that before we try to conjure ourselves to become rich and powerful, we have to give preference of what we already have i.e. our health and relations.

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