Manifestation: How to manifiest your desire by Marianne Gray

We cannot discount these mysterious occurrences

Manifestation: how to manifiest your desire


Have you caught a glimpse of God: Enough to make you hunger to pursue Him? Enough to assure you there is something more? Your spirit is burdened for a taste of the supernatural in your life, and to go beyond the boundaries of traditional religious settings. You can’t deny what your spirit tells you: God has designed and orchestrated everything that touches our lives to bring us all into oneness with Him through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Manifestation Magic covers numerous articles that Nikola Tesla wished to present concerning the multi-dimensional physics and practical applications of this very unusual magic. Seeing the magic of manifestation as a multi-dimensional “slope” that augments human actions, the spirit of Nikola Tesla offers methods of befriending this kind of magic, in order to pull potentially anentropic energies into reality and create effects greater than the sum of energy in both intention and ritually patterned actions combined.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Atheism

Language: English

Keywords: manifesting, manifestation, meditation, self help, motvation, law of attraction, universe, stress, spiritual

Word Count: 10000

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You can possess almost magical powers of hypnotic and neuro linguistic programming (NLP) persuasion by learning simple yet powerful mind control secrets that will help you get what you want in life, love and business. Get more. Have more. Enjoy more. You deserve fulfilling success, wonderful happiness and satisfying relationships. Isn't it time for you to unlock your full potential? Use these proven hypnotic language patterns as successful sales and selling techniques. Or create powerful mind control patterns for seduction and relationship connections. NO B.S. HYPNOTIC PERSUASION can "cut to the chase", giving you the bare bones, stripped down covert and conversational hypnosis secrets you can use to take yourself and

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