Manifestation: Easy steps of manifest with the law of attraction by Vincent Johnson

Many people are aware of the "Law of Attraction" but have dismissed it because it does not tell full story

Manifestation: easy steps of manifest with the law of attraction


Mind manifestation is about raising your conscious awareness, clearing mental blockages, and replacing them with a profound and powerful realization of your own true power. The author takes you though his relatable story on how he overcame the pain of bullying and lack of self esteem from the past and how that has lead to his sense of purpose on getting this knowledge out there. He takes you through the radical changes he made in his life to create the outcomes in life he desires and walks you step by step through the changes you have to make if you want to make those changes, too. He shares practical examples on why we think the way we do and how to get out of the conditioning which has lead you to be that way. 

Methods to control your brain and reaching your analytical mind in simple language.
Thought manifestation and how to visualize things to manifest them.
There are lot of wealthy people who talk about visualization technique. Any person who holds so much of wealth might not be just foolishly saying things,A study about the things these people said.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Atheism

Language: English

Keywords: manifesting, manifestation, meditation, self help, motvation, law of attraction, universe, stress, spiritual

Word Count: 4510

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Sample text:

RK = Reaction Killer, This method helps you if your anger level is at its height. If you cannot control the external factors/people, your mind is unable to “accept” it, and your energy becomes anger. It is that simple if you know the basic universal truth that anger causes you more damage than others.


Wear a band on your right hand and whenever you feel you are about to outburst immediately change that band to your left hand. Imagine you have transformed your anger from a negative zone to positive zone. Have a deep breath and count 10 to 0 backwards. When you reach 0 your anger level also becomes zero.  Now analyze the situation what

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Ana Colina

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