Manifestation: Aligning your subconscious desires by Genevieve Hurtado

Unlock your subconscious desires

Manifestation: aligning your subconscious desires


What if the word we commonly use to end our prayers today is not merely added as an afterthought, but meant to be a powerful manifestation tool in the first place? What if it is actually the most important part in any prayer? What was going through the minds of those ancient spiritual masters when they said words similar to “amen”? Does that word really hold the final step to fulfilling our desires?

Despite the power and consistency of these Universal Laws, why is it that some people still struggle to apply them in their daily lives?

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Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Atheism

Language: English

Keywords: manifesting, manifestation, meditation, self help, motvation, law of attraction, universe, stress, spiritual

Word Count: 21118

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Man has become so used to language and verbal communication that we believe that words should be the better medium here. Wouldn’t it be nice to have God write you an email offering step-by-step advice? How about writing God an email detailing your problems and whatever you need help with? That is what we try to do when we engage in traditional prayer… when we “tell” God or some higher-being out there about all our problems in prose form. This seems like a good idea until you realize how inadequate and cumbersome words can be. If even a simple email from a co-worker can be misunderstood and blown out of proportion, what about an email to / from the Universe? And how many emails would it take to clarify what the Universe really meant when it said something that can be interpreted in several ways?

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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

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Translation in progress. Translated by Javier Cepeda

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