Manifestation: 15 Strategies for attracting success, happiness and more by Linda Ryjlla

Feel More Confident, Connected, and Secure

Manifestation: 15 strategies for attracting success, happiness and more


Are you constantly worried that things won’t work out? Do you feel like you need to control every situation to make sure things are okay? If you’re tired of carrying the burden of these ideas, Effortless Manifestation presents a viable alternative. Learn how to relax and trust that things will work out. Feel more connected to the world and the people around you. Finally let go and allow yourself to breathe.

The Holy Spirit has never left the Church and neither have His supernatural gifts and manifestations. They have been available in every century -- from the days of the Apostolic Fathers, to the desert monks of Egypt and Syria, to the missionary outreaches of the Middle Ages, to the Reformation era and the awakenings and revivals that followed, to the Pentecostal explosion of the Twentieth Century and the increase of signs and wonders in the Twenty-first.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: RELIGION / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Language: English

Keywords: manifesting, manifestation, meditation, self help, motvation, law of attraction, universe, stress, spiritual

Word Count: 10504

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Sample text:

Practice Name: One Minute Thought Method

This method will help you to master your thoughts. We all know thoughts become things. But channelizing the thoughts to a correct path is the most difficult thing for us. Most of the time thoughts take the control over us and we will struggle to come out of it. One who knows how to control the thoughts and channelize it, is known as the Master of thoughts. 

What should you do:   

Every day hold on to one particular thought for one minute and see the magic. Holding on to “only” one thought seems easy for us but it isn’t. But it will be easy if you keep practicing this on a regular basis. 

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Already translated. Translated by Mayli Acevedo

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