Low carb Recipes: Quick and Easy Guide to Delicious Low Carb Recipes for Weight Loss by Willis Stewart

(2b)Quick and Easy Guide to Delicious Low Carb Recipes for Weight Loss

Low carb recipes: quick and easy guide to delicious low carb recipes for weight loss

Low carb diet promotes the consumption of low carb food items.

There are various types of fruits and vegetables that are good for your health. This book is designed for your assistance to understand this diet. This book has 31 low carb recipes that are healthy for you to reduce weight. A low-carb diet is really effectual to fight with obstinate fat because it helps you to reduce weight by restricting the amount and type of carbohydrates. This diet focuses on the consumption of healthy fats and protein.

In this low-carb cookbook, you’ll find:

Low carb diet promotes the consumption of low carb food items. There are various types of fruits and vegetables that are good for your health. This book is designed for your assistance to understand this diet. This book has 31 low carb recipes that are healthy for you to reduce weight. A low-carb diet is really effectual to fight with obstinate fat because it helps you to reduce weight by restricting the amount and type of carbohydrates. This diet focuses on the consumption of healthy fats and protein. This book has all essential details that can be helpful for you to burn excessive fat.

This low carb diet is useful for you because it will not only help you to reduce weight, but improve your overall  

Genre: COOKING / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb Diet, low carb Diet, low carb cookbook, low carb diet for beginners, ketogenic recipes, keto cookbook, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 5860

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Sample text:

Cheesy Meatball Soup




5 tsp. salt

5 lb. ground beef

3 egg

5 tsp. oregano

7 beef broth or stock

3 chopped green bell pepper

4 chopped red bell pepper

3 celery stalk, chopped

3 Tbsp. parsley

3 garlic powder

3 tsp. pepper

3  flax seed meal, ground

3  purple onion, chopped

11 chopped mushrooms

11 bacon strips




To start this recipe, you can work on the meatballs.

To do this, bring out a bowl and throw all o the ingredients for the meatballs inside.

Mix them together well.

When the meatball ingredients are all mixed together, take them and shape into meatballs, any size that you would like.

Take out another bowl and mix together all of the ingredients that are listed for the stock.

Bring out a crockpotand place the meatballs inside first before covering with the stock.

Stir it all together well.

Cover the crockpot pot and let it cook on a low setting for about 9-9 ½  hours or until heating through.

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