low carb : Quick and Easy Cooking Recipes full of Antioxidants and Phytochemicals by Mitchell Cortez

(48b) Low Carb Meals To Prep That Actually Taste Good

Low carb : quick and easy cooking recipes full of antioxidants and phytochemicals

This simple and easy planning guide cookbook offers the easiest and most flavorful way to build complete meals that are diabetes friendly and delicious at the same time. Avoiding complicated meal programs that turn meal-planning into work. This Low Carb Diet Cookbook and Restaurant Guide is design for Diabetic Living with delicious Diabetic Meals by the Plate.

his book is about how to use the low carb, Keto, low sugar type diets in real life and manage to succeed in losing weight by making a lot of little changes. If you have a never ending list of responsibilities; are gaining weight every year and are trying to be healthier, this book is for you. It is short and to the point, all of the filler and jibber jabber that really doesn’t matter has been left out. Eat quick meals, on the go, do some exercise, lose some weight and feel better. This program has produced noticeable results for me; it is probably not for models in their twenties who want to look like the actors on late night infomercials. 

This is a simple approach to eating the right foods in proper amounts by filling your plate with one half non-starchy vegetables, one quarter protein, and one quarter starch. A very clever and healthy way of eating.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners, keto diet, vegan diet

Word Count: 3567

Sales info:

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Sample text:


1 can (14 oz.) small artichoke hearts, drained and cut into small pieces

1 jar (12 oz.) roasted red peppers. drained and cut into small pieces

1/4 cup sliced green onions

8 eggs, beaten well until yolks and whites are completely combined

4 oz. crumbled Feta cheese

Seasoning to taste

fresh-ground black pepper to taste

2 tablespoons chopped parsley for garnish (optional)



Pour out artichoke hearts into a colander placed in the sink and let them drain well. While they drain, slice the green onions and crumble the feta. Spray the slow cooker insert well with non-stick spray.

Remove artichoke hearts to the cutting board and pour out the roasted red peppers into the colander to drain. Cut the artichoke hearts into fairly small pieces (quarters, or smaller if they’re large) and put them in the bottom of the slow cooker insert. Cut the drained red peppers into pieces about 1/2 inch square and put them into the slow cooker. Add the green onions to the slow cooker.

Beat the eggs until whites and yolks are completely combined and then pour eggs over the vegetables in the slow cooker. Use a fork to gently stir, so the artichoke pieces, red pepper pieces, and sliced green onions are well distributed. Sprinkle the crumbled Feta over the top and season with spices/pepper

Cook on low for 2-3 hours or until the eggs are as firm as you’d like them and the cheese is melted.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Melany Di Leva

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