low carb: Easy And Delicious High Protein Low Carb Diet Recipes (Delicious Low Carb Recipes) by Justin Hanson

(93b) Easy And Delicious High Protein Low Carb Diet Recipes (Delicious Low Carb Recipes)

Low carb: easy and delicious high protein low carb diet recipes (delicious low carb recipes)

There’s a reason why intermittent fasting is one of the most popular eating plans in the world today: It works! More specifically, it helps people not just lose the right kind of weight  but also become and stay healthy. While it’s not a magic pill to make all your flab and sicknesses go away, it can help you achieve your ideal weight and significantly reduce your risks of certain major health conditions.

In this book, I’ll show you what intermittent fasting really is, why you should incorporate it into your lifestyle, how it can help you get and stay lean and healthy, the different ways of fasting intermittently (protocols) and how to live the intermittent fasting lifestyle with a list of things you should and shouldn’t do. By the time you finish reading this book, you’ll be in a great position to start incorporating intermittent fasting into your lifestyle and be on your way to becoming lean and healthier. 

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to embark on a dietary journey that is guaranteed to revolutionize your health. In here you will discover actionable and practical information on how to lose fat and improve energy levels. If you have been on other types of diets before and have struggled to shed those pounds or even boost your energy levels, the Low carbgenic diet will help you immensely.

So what is a Low carbgenic diet? It is simply a diet where a person consumes foods that provide them with more fat, and very few carbs and proteins. In a Low carbgenic diet, you get up to 90% of your calories in form of fats, with the rest being split between the other two macronutrients. 

The Low carbgenic diet is aimed at causing a shift in the body’s utilization away from glucose to fats. In other words, you are causing your body to burn fats rather than what it is normally used to – sugars. During this process, your liver produces substances known as low carbne bodies.



Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 6768

Sales info:

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Sample text:

•       1 tablespoon soft butter without salt

•       8 tablespoons low fat cream

•       8 whole eggs

•       Salt as per taste

•       Ground black pepper

•       1 tablespoon fresh parsley and dill (chopped)

•       Toast (at the time of serving)


Preheat your oven to 425° F and take eight ramekins and coat it with cream. Break 2 eggs in the ramekin and sprinkle salt and pepper. In each ramekin, place 2 tablespoons cream. Keep them in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes and sprinkle parsley and dill for additional flavor.

Book translation status:

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Translation in progress. Translated by Geisha Forsith

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