LinkedIn Marketing Made (Stupidly) Easy by Michael Clarke

The Ultimate No-Nonsense LinkedIn Marketing Guide

Linkedin marketing made (stupidly) easy

Discover the Secrets to Making Money With LinkedIn!

Not sure how to navigate your way through all those connections, groups and company pages to boost your marketing efforts?

Want to know how to use LinkedIn to spread your message, build your brand...and make some frickin' moolah?

Looking for a NO B.S. and super-simple guide to this profitable (though often frustrating) social network?

Worry not! Because in "LinkedIn Marketing Made (Stupidly) Easy" you'l find out:

•    5 Steps to a Kick-Ass LinkedIn Marketing Funnel
•    How to Create a LinkedIn Profile That Doesn't Suck
•    How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page of Total Awesomeness
•    7 Keys to Getting 1000s of New Connections in 30 Seconds
•    How to Use LinkedIn Pulse for World Domination

…and so much more!

And each chapter includes easy-to-follow action steps to help you boost your LinkedIn marketing game - without taking a single $2,000 online course. 

So, why not begin your quest to LinkedIn marketing!

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Marketing / General

Language: English


Word Count: 17985

Sales info:

Brand new book. (Just published.) So, not a lot of sales and ranking info.

Sample text:

I shouldn’t be writing this book.

I should probably keep my LinkedIn marketing insights to myself. 

I should probably tell you to REFUND this book and get your money back because:

LinkedIn won’t work for your type of business (Especially if you don’t play in the B2B (business-to-business) space)

LinkedIn ad costs are ultra-expensive (Minimum of $2/click)

LinkedIn sends out more spammy email notifications than ProFlowers (and I didn’t think that was possible)

So, there’s nothing for you to see here. LinkedIn marketing won’t do much for your business and I’m sorry to have wasted your time.


…LinkedIn might possibly be my favorite method for lead-generation for a few, kick-ass marketing reasons:

People who visit LinkedIn are “ready” to do business. This is not a social networking site filled with cat meme pictures and videos of a Trump presidential rally. This is a social platform about making connections — and furthering one’s career.

The average household income for LinkedIn users is 109K per year. MUCH larger than any other social network.

LinkedIn is a perfect place to contact, not just future customers, but future partners. Even if the only people who buy your products are sixteen-year-old shut-ins who play “World of Warcraft” all day, LinkedIn is perfect for connecting with strategic partners who can help move the needle on your business. 

LinkedIn Groups (I predict) will become the new email list. Creating, owning and running a LinkedIn Group will soon be more profitable than conventional email lists 10x as big. 

LinkedIn is mega-respected by the Googlebots. Meaning a tricked-out LinkedIn Company profile is not only good for your branding, it’s vital for your SEO.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
