La hermana del masón by Ana Emberley

Novel of historical fiction set between the Second World War and the 60s about the British colony of Gibraltar

La hermana del masón

 World War II. An important document that could put in question the sovereignty of the Rock of Gibraltar (U.K), and consequently the international geostrategy of those years, leaves of this colony to be guarded in the near population of La Línea de la Concepción (Spain) hard repressed in the civil war and early postwar period for its strong Masonic component.

A series of events begin to happen that will cause their custodians to think that from the highest official Spanish instances there is evidence of the existence of the documents and that there is a national and international zeal to be made with them. Once the world war is over, it is necessary to return them to their original site as soon as possible. However the mission will not be without problems.

It will be these circumstances that will make María Moreno, almost without knowing it, become the bearer of that crucial information that could have changed the course of history.

During the almost three decades of history we see how the protagonist is evolving discovering the love and lovelessness, the passions, betrayals and tragedies of life and little by little is involved in a loop of action, mystery and adventure that will do to mature and to become a woman far removed from what would have given him a routine life according to the social canons of the time that he had to live and of which he could hardly separate. That is why throughout her journey the daily life of a woman of her time is very present. María will be primarily mother, wife, sister and friend, although those basic pillars of her education will often falter throughout her life.

Genre: FICTION / Historical

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Action & Adventure

Language: Spanish

Keywords: Gibraltar / Historical Fiction / Masons / World War II / La Línea de la Concepción

Word Count: 94.547

Sales info:

Currently Istarted promotions, average 200. Positive evaluations in amazon (average 4,8). Twice in the top 100 of amazon. es and amazon. com.mex (pos. 97 and 73). Positive reviews on facebook (5 stars) and blog of literature (El rincón de la lectura)

Sample text:

Entre sueños empecé a identificar la sirena de Gibraltar que anunciaba el toque de queda. Se incrustaba lentamente en mi cabeza, cuando un ruido atronador me despertó del duermevela como si un avión se hubiese estrellado sobre la casa. Abrí los ojos de golpe. Un sentimiento estremecedor de pánico me dejó paralizada durante unos segundos mientras adivinaba a mi padre, intentando incorporarse de la mecedora y la sombra de mi hermano José, corriendo al salón. A veces pasaban los aviones militares a poca distancia, pero nunca a esas horas

—¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué es eso? —llegó gritando José.

—¡Van a ser los alemanes! ¡Los alemanes que vienen a por Gibraltar! —decía mi padre.

De repente se oyó un silbido en el aire y luego otro seguido. Nos quedamos en silencio, pero no pasó nada. Me incorporé del sofá cama y agarré fuerte a mi padre intentando protegerle o protegerme, no lo sé muy bien.

Él seguía nervioso y exaltado, diciendo:

—¡Los alemanes, los alemanes! ¡Es la guerra! ¡Otra maldita guerra! José, ve a buscar a tu hermano, ¡me cago en tó!

José seguía medio paralizado y desconcertado por las circunstancias. Todavía tenía excesivamente reciente la Guerra Civil, donde perdimos a mi hermano Luis.

Esperamos expectantes otro de esos silbidos, pero, pasados unos minutos, mi padre y yo nos soltamos lentamente, no hubo ninguno más. José se volvió a su cama y quedó allí sentado, petrificado durante unos segundos más.

—¡Eso va a ser que han venido los alemanes, como vinieron los moros en la guerra, verás! —reiteraba mi padre.



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