Koban by Stephen W Bennett

Humanity colonized out to 500 light years from Earth. Then an alien species found us.


We colonized seven hundred planets. Humankind enjoyed the benefits of expansion room and the end of wars. We even disbanded our military.

Then the Krall found us.

The Krall have used thousands of years of combat to select the genes of the strongest and fastest warriors. They are a species determined to dominate the entire galaxy, through destruction and annihilation of every opponent.

Koban is an uninhabited high gravity planet with impossibly fast savage animals, which employ organic superconducting nerves. This deadly world is where the Krall tested humans for war capability. We are useful only if we can fight well. If not, they will destroy us swiftly, as they have others. They already have slave races, and we are poor tasting meat animals. The Krall will use us, if worthy, to seek physical perfection using the attrition of war, one planet at a time.

Growing weary of human physical weakness, the ruthless Krall are on the verge of a decision to eliminate our race quickly. A ship containing bio-scientists is captured for combat testing on Koban. The urgent choice for Captain Mirikami and the scientists is simple: Prove we can produce better, smarter fighters, or humanity is doomed to rapid extermination, rather than the slow eradication the Krall prefer.

However, the Krall are only part of the problem. We have to survive Koban’s gravity and superfast animals. The huge tiger-like rippers with skin contact telepathy are predators too fast even for armed Krall to face. The Human genetic solution: If you can't beat them as you are, become like a ripper.

The Krall will learn another species can bypass natural selection.

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Military

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Space Opera

Language: English

Keywords: Alien Invasion, Genetic Engineering, First Contact, Colonization, Hard Sci-Fi, Galactic Empire, Military Sci Fi

Word Count: 243,450

Sales info:

My first book was published in August 2012, and I have followed that with two books per year since then. As an indepentent and new self-published author, it took word of mouth to establish a fan base, but I have a loyal following now, both for eBooks and audio books. I have sold 38,018 of all 8 of my audio books as of 3/11/17, and 67,989 total eBooks. Koban, my first eBook has sold 17,494 copie and I wish to start with translating that book into the two best selling non-English markets. Germany and France. If that proves sastifactory, I would follow with the other series novels.  

My sales are: 86.4% from the US store, 6.4% from the UK store, 3.7% from the DE store, 1.2% from the AU store, 1.1% from the FR store, 1.2% from the rest.
Title                                                 Pages Read            Borrows                  Sales
For all books                                   10,132,855               2,221                      67,989

Koban                                               1,666,644                465                         17,494
Koban: The Mark of Koban              1,398,382                188                         13,558
Koban: Rise of the Kobani               1,616,174                 169                         11,598
Koban: Shattered Worlds                 1,697,634                 971                          8,429
Koban: A Federation Forged in Fire 1,309,600                     0                          7,696
Koban: Conflict and Empire              1,615,849                     0                          3,728
Koban Universe 2                                687,750                     0                          2,019
Koban Universe 1                                140,822                 428                          3,467


Sample text:

He pulled a pin on a grenade, and saw Deigo do the same. Placing his gun in his left hand, he pointed it down to let water drain from the barrel. He knew the ammo was designed to blow water or muck from the barrel when fired, but you got less kickback if it was clear.

The splashing sounded closer. He looked to Deigo and nodded. They both threw as hard as they could from their crouched positions in the directions they heard splashes. As soon as the little bombs arched up, there were three simultaneous loud splashes as large bodies hit the muck, and ferocious fire hurtled over their heads. An explosive round caught Deigo’s right arm before he pulled it down, blowing off the armor and arm at mid forearm.

Cody was glad Deigo’s helmet blocked the scream he was sure accompanied the pain. The round’s detonation was bad enough through his amped up speakers. He started firing his own explosive rounds through the grass, as was Gladys he noted. Deigo had to be in shock, but he managed to raise his gun in his left hand, pulling the trigger and pointing it out over the marsh grass.

Where were the grenade explosions he wondered? Finally, he remembered that Thad told them there was a five-second delay after releasing the safety handle. They should have held them a couple of seconds before the throw. Their shots were also probably wild and too high, because he heard splashing again as the Krall resumed running towards them.

Suddenly, two close together explosions threw muck and black water up and back down on them. That had stopped the running splashing sounds for a moment. He pulled another pin on a grenade in his left hand to have it ready, and wrapped his mine’s trip wire around the same hand. Picking up his gun, he resumed firing, holding the gun as high as he dared, and pivoted it in an arc, spraying explosive rounds randomly. He heard the concussions of his rounds exploding in the muck.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
