Ketogenic diet: Ultimate Perfect Ketogenic Diet Meal Prep Plan by Daisy Hart

(142b) Ultimate Perfect Ketogenic Diet Meal Prep Plan

Ketogenic diet: ultimate perfect ketogenic diet  meal prep plan


The Ketogenic diet is gaining popularity due mainly of its ability to burn stubborn fats away; those fats that are considered unyielding specifically found in the midsection, hips, and buttocks. These visceral fats are the most immovable fats that are hard to eliminate. The Ketogenic diet mainly teaches the body on ways on how to convert these stored fats into usable energy.  

The low carb diet is one of the most proven and effective diets for losing weight. As you probably assumed, the low carb diet is based on consuming foods that are low in carbohydrates. It can be difficult to know exactly which foods are high in carbs however. Below are some useful tips for anyone on the low carb diet.

In this book, you will discover a simple explanation of the ketogenic diet, as well as a taste of the good, the bad, and the ugly. But, the part I am most excited to share with you is the variety of keto snacks! This book was created around the comfort foods that people love most and hate giving up on any diet. I believe that implementing these tasty snacks will ensure prosperity while on the keto so that you can see optimal results and positively stick with it! 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 2430

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Sample text:

I was never a person who watched everything I ate or kept track of carbs. I grew up eating foot-long subs in the school cafeteria, pasta most nights for dinner, and sugary cereal with my cartoons on Saturday morning. In college, I was right there along with the rest of my friends, drinking beer, ordering late night pizza, and never worrying about my weight or how food made my body feel--because I was young and I could get away with it.


But as I got older, I noticed that fried food sat heavier in my stomach, and that all those bagels and spaghetti dinners were starting to pack on the weight. Then I had a daughter and life got even busier. Soon I realized my jeans were a little tighter and my motivation a little lower each day. Just as bad, I felt SO tired all the time. It was difficult enough to get through my to-do list each day and take care of my family, and I just couldn’t seem to find the time or energy to go to the gym.


I’d heard a lot about how cutting back on carbs helped you lose weight, but I didn’t know if it was necessarily for me at first. That all changed when I spoke with a few close friends who were all going keto together. They couldn’t stop raving about how much better they felt. And when I realized that my friends—who were just as busy and stretched thin as I was—were suddenly healthier, thinner, and more energetic than I’d seen them in years, I realized that I needed to do whatever they were doing, and quick.


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