Ketogenic diet: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to Weight Loss for Healthy Life by Barry Abraham

(153b) The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to Weight Loss for Healthy Life

Ketogenic diet: the ultimate step-by-step guide to weight loss for healthy life


The ketogenic diet is a diet that is growing so much in popularity today, and many parents are questioning if this diet is right for pregnant women. So, many people believe that, if the ketogenic diet can help increase fertility that means it can also be useful for the proper development of the child in the womb. In order not to leave this to guesswork, I have taken the time to do research on this subject which will help you find out the truth about ketogenic diet and pregnancy. 

One of the key things you will learn in this book that will help you throughout your journey to losing weight is the science behind weight gain and weight loss. You should then be able to leverage on that knowledge to make big strides in your quest towards losing weight.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!


Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5923

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Sample text:

The “keto” in the word ketogenic was derived from the word ketones. This is because ketogenic diets make the body produce small fuel molecules known as ketones. 

Ketosis is a natural process the body gets into to help us survive in a situation where the body is short on food intake. Ketones which are produced by the breakdown of fats in the liver are produced once the body goes into ketosis. Ketones are alternative fuel the body utilizes when blood sugar is low. The body is said to be in ketosis when it produces ketones. When little amount of fast-digested carbs and moderate amount of proteins (because proteins can also be broken down into blood sugar when in excess) are consumed, the body produces ketones. Ketones are used as fuel by the whole body including the brain that can only run on ketones or glucose and not directly on fat. The fastest way for the body to go into ketosis is by fasting. But on the other hand, a ketogenic diet can be consumed indefinitely, and this can also lead to ketosis. With a ketogenic diet, you can lose as much weight without even fasting.

The whole body switches its fuel production to run almost totally on fat when on a ketogenic diet. While insulin level drops very low, fat burning increases remarkably. 

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