Ketogenic Diet: The Ultimate Keto Diet Recipes for Beginners Delicious by Lourdes Varady

(68b) The Ultimate Keto Diet Recipes for Beginners Delicious

Ketogenic diet: the ultimate keto diet recipes for beginners delicious


Many people are slowly but surely coming to the realization that mainstream diet advice is harmful at worst and ineffective and sub-optimal at best. This is simply because our bodies were not designed to survive on diets that are pushed on us today by "gurus". As a consequence, many people are living with "illnesses" they aren't supposed to when these illnesses can easily be managed by simply fixing your diet.

A ketogenic diet is made popular as it is a low carb high fat diet which is easier for many dieters who love their protein. The diet focuses on having low carb intake, which would then force the body to the ketosis state. This state is a natural process of the body where the body breaks down food in a slower manner than our body is accustomed to. This state is what the body undergoes when in a survival mode.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 14149

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Sample text:

According to leading heaLth surveys, epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder after stroke, and there are about more than 50 million people suffering from it worldwide. It is diagnosed with people who have recurrent seizures that are unprovoked. It is caused by hyper activity of cortical neurons leading to disruption of normal brain functioning. This results in disturbance of muscles, or senses, or consciousness or a combination of them. The seizure could be partial leading to disruption of some brain functions, or total resulting in complete unconsciousness.

Most of the epileptic seizures appear in childhood and it is considered refractory if more than two to three anticonvulsant drugs have failed to be effective. It is estimated that about 60% patients benefit from the first drug they use and the 30% of them fail to improve with drugs. They may have to undergo epileptic surgery, vagus nerve stimulation, or ketogenic diet. These methods are found to be effective.

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